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Precipitating Factors

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Disease relevance of Precipitating Factors


Psychiatry related information on Precipitating Factors


High impact information on Precipitating Factors

  • No precipitating factor other than methotrexate could be identified [9].
  • Possible precipitating factors were identified in only five cases: intercurrent infection (one); discontinuation of lithium (one) and tetrabenazine (one); and the introduction of clonazepam (two) [10].
  • Taken collectively, these results indicate that S. stercoralis infection induces polyclonal expansion of HTLV-1-infected cells by activating the IL-2/IL-2R system in dually infected carriers, an event which may be a precipitating factor for ATL and inflammatory diseases [11].
  • Cocaine users were less likely than controls to have an intercurrent illness identified as a precipitating factor for DKA (14.7% vs 33.1%; P<.001) and were more likely to have missed taking insulin prior to admission (45.1% vs 24.7%; P<.001) [12].
  • Biochemical diagnosis is problematic and the identification of mutations in the HMB-synthase gene provides accurate detection of presymptomatic heterozygotes, permitting avoidance of the acute precipitating factors [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Precipitating Factors


Biological context of Precipitating Factors


Anatomical context of Precipitating Factors


Associations of Precipitating Factors with chemical compounds


Gene context of Precipitating Factors


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