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Disease relevance of Sambucus

  • Colon cancer tissues display an increased activity of beta-galactoside alpha2,6 sialyltransferase (ST6Gal.I) and an increased reactivity with the lectin from Sambucus nigra (SNA), specific for alpha2,6-sialyl-linkages [1].
  • The 35 Streptococcus suis capsular-type reference strains as well as 45 field strains of type 2 were tested with sialic acid-binding lectins from Sambucus nigra (SNA I), Triticum vulgaris, Maackia amurensis, Homarus americanus, and Limax flavus [2].
  • The hemagglutinin from elderberry bark (Sambucus nigra) has a binding specificity for terminal Neu5Ac alpha (2-6) Gal sequences and was found to bind a series of glycoconjugates with a similar specificity as Pertussis toxin [3].
  • Toxicity and cytotoxicity of nigrin b, a two-chain ribosome-inactivating protein from Sambucus nigra: comparison with ricin [4].
  • Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), which recognizes terminal sialic acids, strongly stained the glandular mucous cells of normal subjects, but not those of patients with chronic sinusitis [5].

High impact information on Sambucus

  • Analysis of site-directed mutants showed that alanine or serine mutants of invariant Cys(181) or Cys(332) exhibit no detectable activity, either by direct assay or by staining of the transfected cells with Sambucus nigra agglutinin, which recognizes the product NeuAcalpha2,6Galbeta1,4GlcNAc on glycoproteins [6].
  • The patterns of mRNA expression were compared with the pattern of binding of two sialic acid-specific plant lectins, Sambucus nigra agglutinin and Maackia amurensis agglutinin, which preferentially recognize alpha 2,6- and alpha 2,3-linked sialic acids, respectively, on N-glycans [7].
  • This coincided with increased expression of endothelial glycoproteins bearing N-linked glycans with alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid detected by the lectin Sambucus nigra agglutinin [8].
  • We utilized lectin binding and glycosidase treatment to investigate the functional role of carbohydrates on the activation peptide of factor X. Sambucus nigra agglutinin, a lectin that binds to sialic acid terminally linked alpha(2-6) to galactose or N-acetyl-galactosamine inhibits activation of human factor X in a dose-dependent manner [9].
  • This finding, as well as the ability of the solubilized receptor to interact with a Sambucus nigra L. lectin affinity column suggested that sialic acid residues are associated with SRIF receptors [10].

Biological context of Sambucus


Anatomical context of Sambucus

  • The binding of the agglutinins from Limax flavus (binds unselectively to sialic acid) and Sambucus nigra (binds to sialic acid attached through alpha-2,6 bonds) to the basement membrane displayed a large increase at the corneal side of limbo-corneal demarcation [16].
  • These two cell lines had consistent, significantly reduced binding of elderberry bark lectin, which recognizes terminal sialic acid in the alpha-2,6 configuration [17].
  • Changes in the distribution of sialylglycoconjugates on the surface of uncapacitated and in-vitro capacitated human spermatozoa were studied by means of two sialic acid specific lectins (Maackia amurensis agglutinin and Sambucus nigra agglutinin) [18].
  • The distribution pattern of sialylated glycoproteins in the hippocampal formation of 9-week-old and 29-month-old rats was examined using Maackia amurensis lectin, specific for Sia alpha2-3Gal, and Sambucus sieboldiana agglutinin specific for Sia alpha2-6Gal(GalNAc), and a monoclonal antibody for a linear homopolymer of alpha2-8-linked sialic acid [19].
  • In contrast, a significant increase in the staining with the Sambucus nigra lectin (SNA I), which binds to alpha(2,6)-linked sialic acid residues, was detected in the epithelial cells as well as in the mucins from tumors [20].

Associations of Sambucus with chemical compounds

  • In contrast, alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid as visualized with Sambucus nigra I lectin was found only in severe dysplasia and carcinoma [21].
  • Annexin V was used for the detection of PS at the cell surface, and Sambucus nigra lectin was used to reveal terminal sialic acid in a (alpha2,6) linkage to galactose units [22].
  • The enrichment of EC with elderberry anthocyanins conferred significant protective effects in EC against the following oxidative stressors: hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)); 2, 2'-azobis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH); and FeSO(4)/ascorbic acid (AA) [23].
  • Binding was significantly inhibited by N-acetylneuraminic acid and alpha2,6-linked sialic acid-specific lectin derived from Sambucus sieboldiana in a dose-dependent manner [24].
  • Those derived from SW 948 xenografts showed an enrichment of round, non-adherent cells, strongly reactive with the NeuAc alpha 2,6 Gal/GalNAc-specific lectin from Sambucus nigra (SNA), thus indicating that a selection of these cells has occurred [25].

Gene context of Sambucus

  • Maackia amurensis agglutinins (MAA-1 and MAA-2), specific for sialic acid in alpha2-3 linkage to Gal, bind SPACR, while Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), specific for alpha2-6 linked sialic acid, does not, indicating that the dominant glycoconjugate determinant on SPACR is the O-linked carbohydrate, NeuAcalpha2-3Galbeta1-3GalNAc [26].
  • Carbohydrate binding properties of a new plant lectin isolated from elderberry (Sambucus nigra L.) (SNA) bark were studied using the techniques of quantitative precipitation, hapten inhibition, and equilibrium dialysis [27].
  • The alpha2,6-linkage was confirmed by the increase of Sambucus nigra agglutinin-lectin binding to the cell surface of CHO transfected with the cDNA encoding ST6Gal II and by specific sialidases treatment [28].
  • Reactivity of mucin-specific lectin from Sambucus sieboldiana with simple sugars, normal mucins and tumor-associated mucins. Comparison with other lectins [29].
  • Sense transfectants showed an enhanced ST6Gal-I mRNA expression and enzyme activity and an increased binding of the lectin Sambucus nigra agglutinin (SNA), specific for alpha 2,6-linked sialic acid [30].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sambucus


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