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Disease relevance of Bromus


High impact information on Bromus

  • We have studied the structure of end-labelled 3'-terminal fragments of turnip yellow mosaic virus RNA and brome mosaic virus RNA 2 with chemical modifications of the adenosine and cytidine residues and with enzymatic digestions using RNase T1, nuclease S1 and the double-strand-specific ribonuclease from cobra venom [6].
  • Like the four intact brome mosaic virus RNAs, each fragment accepts tyrosine in a reaction catalyzed by wheat germ aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase [7].
  • Yeast Lsm1p-7p/Pat1p deadenylation-dependent mRNA-decapping factors are required for brome mosaic virus genomic RNA translation [3].
  • Additional studies indicate that the methyltransferase has a pH optimum of 7.5, does not require divalent cations, is inhibited by S-adenosylhomocysteine, has a Km of 2.0 micrometer for S-adenosylmethionine, a Km of approximately 5 nM for brome mosaic virus RNA, and kinetics consistent with a random bireactant mechanism [8].
  • For brome mosaic virus (BMV), both processes occur in virus-induced, membrane-associated compartments, require BMV replication factors 1a and 2a, and use negative-strand RNA3 as a template for genomic RNA3 and sgRNA syntheses [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Bromus

  • Putative RNA capping activities encoded by brome mosaic virus: methylation and covalent binding of guanylate by replicase protein 1a [10].
  • For the brome mosaic virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), we determined that in reactions performed with limited GTP concentrations, minus-strand RNA synthesis can be stimulated by the inclusion of guanosine monophosphate or specific oligoribonucleotides [11].
  • The N-terminal region of the brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) coat protein (CP) contains an arginine-rich motif that is conserved among plant and nonplant viruses and implicated in binding the RNA during encapsidation [12].
  • Based on their polyacrylamide gel migrations, plant virus-associated ubiquitin-immunoreactive proteins were considered to be possible virus structural protein-ubiquitin conjugates of the following viruses: barley stripe mosaic, brome mosaic, cowpea mosaic (two proteins), cowpea severe mosaic (two proteins), and satellite panicum mosaic [13].
  • In yeast expressing the RNA replication proteins encoded by brome mosaic virus (BMV), B3URA3, a BMV RNA3 derivative that harbours the 3a cell-to-cell movement protein gene and the yeast uracil biosynthesis gene URA3, was replicated and maintained in 85-95% of progeny at each cell division [14].

Biological context of Bromus


Anatomical context of Bromus


Associations of Bromus with chemical compounds

  • Abscisic acid-induced heat tolerance in Bromus inermis Leyss cell-suspension cultures. Heat-stable, abscisic acid-responsive polypeptides in combination with sucrose confer enhanced thermostability [24].
  • The RNAs of brome mosaic (BMV), barley stripe mosaic (BSMV), and tobacco mosaic (TMV) viruses were inactivated by reaction with buffered glutaraldehyde [25].
  • Germination and seedling development of switchgrass and smooth bromegrass exposed to 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene [26].
  • Mefluidide-treated smooth brome pastures increased calf production over the 1982 grazing season (P = .11) and cow gain over the 1982 (P = .12) and 1983 grazing seasons (P = .13) [27].
  • Net VFA production showed a somewhat higher acetate: propionate ratio for brome (3.2) compared with alfalfa (2.2), but there was little change with increasing maturity within a given forage [28].

Gene context of Bromus

  • While only the central core of the encoded 94-kDa CCMV 2a protein contains features conserved among known and putative RNA replication proteins from many viruses, both flanking regions of CCMV 2a show substantial similarity to the corresponding protein of the related brome mosaic virus (BMV) [29].
  • Mutation of host delta9 fatty acid desaturase inhibits brome mosaic virus RNA replication between template recognition and RNA synthesis [30].
  • Two viral proteins, 1a and 2a, direct replication of brome mosaic bromovirus (BMV) RNAs as well as they participate in BMV RNA recombination [31].
  • Subcellular localization of the Brome mosaic virus replicase-related 1a and 2a proteins, and the 3a movement protein in infected barley leaves was examined by immunogold electron microscopy [32].
  • The RNA replicase extracted from Brome mosaic virus (BMV)-infected plants has been used to characterize the cis-acting elements for RNA synthesis and the mechanism of RNA synthesis [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Bromus


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