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Chemical Compound Review

Estomycin     (2R,3S,4R,5R,6R)-5-amino-6- [(2R,3S,4R,6S)...

Synonyms: Humatin, Humycin, catenulin, Gabromycin, Gabbromycin, ...
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Disease relevance of Neomycin E


Psychiatry related information on Neomycin E


High impact information on Neomycin E

  • GCN1 expression conferred sensitivity to paromomycin in a manner dependent on its ribosome binding domain, supporting the idea that GCN1 binds near the ribosomal acceptor site to promote GCN2 activation by uncharged tRNA [7].
  • The mof4-1 strain is more sensitive to the aminoglycoside antibiotic paromomycin than a upf1 delta strain, and frameshifting efficiency increases in a mof4-1 strain grown in the presence of this drug [8].
  • Chemical probing of mutant and wild-type ribosomes in the presence of paromomycin indicates that interactions between the antibiotic and 16S rRNA in mutant ribosomes are disrupted [9].
  • We have injected cloned copies of the micronuclear rDNA that have been altered in vitro into developing macronuclei and obtained transformants that express the paromomycin-resistant phenotype specified by the injected rDNA [10].
  • Molecular analysis of paromomycin-resistant embryogenic calli and of plants regenerated from these calli, confirmed the stable integration of bombarded DNA into the cassava genome [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Neomycin E


Biological context of Neomycin E


Anatomical context of Neomycin E


Associations of Neomycin E with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Neomycin E

  • Mutations in the MSS1 gene render the yeast cells respiratory deficient only in the presence of the PR454 mutation (paromomycin resistance) in the mitochondrial 15 S ribosomal RNA gene [32].
  • However, disruption of NCL1 leads to increased sensitivity to the antibiotic paromomycin [33].
  • Expression of the SSB1 gene from C. albicans, which codes for a member of the 70-kDa heat shock protein family, in S. cerevisiae ssb1 ssb2 double mutant complements the mutant phenotype (poor growth particularly at low temperature, and sensitivity to certain protein synthesis inhibitors, such as paromomycin) [34].
  • Paromomycin and the prion [PSI+], which reduce translational fidelity, do not increase GCN4 expression to induce the suppression phenotype and in fact reduce derepression. eEF1A mutations that reduce translation, however, reduce expression of GCN4 under non-starvation conditions [35].
  • MTO1 codes for a mitochondrial protein required for respiration in paromomycin-resistant mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae [36].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Neomycin E


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