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Virus Activation

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Disease relevance of Virus Activation


High impact information on Virus Activation


Biological context of Virus Activation


Anatomical context of Virus Activation


Associations of Virus Activation with chemical compounds

  • Enhancement of 5-iododeoxyuridine-induced endogenous C-type virus activation by polycyclic hydrocarbons: apparent lack of parallelism between enhancement and carcinogenicity [20].
  • These findings suggest that multiple injections of streptozotocin induce, in susceptible hosts, the triad of direct beta cell cytotoxicity, virus induction within beta cells, and cell-mediated autoimmune reaction [21].
  • Cell cycle-specific enhancement of type C virus activation by sodium n-butyrate [22].
  • During the time cells were exposed to these compounds, there was little inhibition of [3H]uridine incorporation into total cellular RNA or polyadenylic acid cytoplasmic messenger RNA, suggesting that inhibition of proteolysis, and not RNA transcription, was responsible for blocking virus induction [23].
  • The high frequency of induction by 5-azacytidine, relative to other nucleoside analogs, and the absence of induction by other mutagens further indicate that endogenous virus induction occurs via nonmutagenic mechanisms and that some mutagens may also affect regulatory functions independent of their mutagenic action [24].

Gene context of Virus Activation


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