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Chemical Compound Review

histidinol     2-amino-3-(3H-imidazol-4- yl)propan-1-ol

Synonyms: L-histidinol, CCRIS 555, SureCN65204, AG-K-70317, SureCN6546332, ...
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Disease relevance of histidinol

  • These experiments demonstrated that L-histidinol not only protected the marrow cell population from both ara-C and FUra, but also increased significantly the toxicities of these agents for the intrafemoral tumor cells [1].
  • The effects of L-histidinol, a structural analog of the essential amino acid L-histidine, on the proliferative responses and anticancer drug vulnerability of cultured spleen cells from male C57BL/6J mice exposed to optimal mitogenic doses of concanavalin A (Con A) or E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) were investigated [2].
  • Simultaneously, the inclusion of L-histidinol provided a statistically significant increase in the capacity of these two anticancer drugs to eradicate intraperitoneal mastocytoma cells [3].
  • In contrast, both L1210 leukemia cells and colon 26 adenocarcinoma cells were more efficiently killed by combinations of L-histidinol and cisplatin [4].
  • However, in contrast to results reported in the L1210 leukemic system, L-histidinol also reduced the cytotoxic activity of FUra against CD8F1 breast tumors [5].

High impact information on histidinol

  • Five of seven histidinol-resistant clones and three of three G418-resistant clones generated germ-line chimeras [6].
  • Selection in L-histidinol or G418 produced clones in which the coding sequences for histidinol-dehydrogenase or neomycin-phosphotransferase were fused to sequences in or near the 5' exons of expressed genes, including one in the developmentally regulated REX-1 gene [6].
  • We showed previously that the transcript from an actin-HIS4 gene fusion containing the mutation TACTAAC to TACTACC (designated C259) is spliced inefficiently, thereby preventing growth on the histidine precursor histidinol [7].
  • By selecting for growth on histidinol, we have identified a mutant in which the splicing of the C259 transcript is increased fourfold; splicing of other mutated introns is not significantly improved [7].
  • Antagonism of the intracellular action of histamine at intracellular histamine receptors by DPPE or histidinol may result in differential perturbations of growth/eicosanoid metabolism in normal and malignant cells, thus forming the basis of a new approach to chemotherapy [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of histidinol


Biological context of histidinol


Anatomical context of histidinol


Associations of histidinol with other chemical compounds


Gene context of histidinol

  • With the CYC1 fragment cloned in its wild-type (forward) orientation within the actin intron, transformants cannot grow on histidinol, whereas cells transformed with the vector carrying the reverse orientation of this fragment are able to grow well [22].
  • Histidine limitation in the presence of histidinol induced a twofold increase in the phosphorylation of eIF2alpha and a concomitant reduction in eIF2B activity in perfused livers from wild-type mice, but no changes in livers from Gcn2(-/-) mice [23].
  • Nucleotide and amino acid polymorphism in the gene for L-histidinol dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli K12 [24].
  • Two classes of mutations were obtained: (i) those that altered the coding region of HOL1, conferring the ability to take up histidinol; and (ii) cis-acting mutations (selected in a mutant HOL1-1 background) that increased expression of the Hol1 protein [25].
  • The crystal structures of HisRS from two organisms and their complexes with histidine, histidyl-adenylate and histidinol with ATP have been solved [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of histidinol

  • Southern blot analysis of wild-type and histidinol-resistant cells with this cDNA showed that the histidyl-tRNA synthetase DNA bands were amplified in the resistant cells [17].
  • Immunoprecipitation of [35S]methionine-labeled cell lysates with antibodies to histidyl-tRNA synthetase showed increased synthesis of the enzyme in histidinol-resistant cells [17].
  • The transgenic embryonic fibroblasts survive under a wide range of histidinol-containing growth conditions and support growth of ES cell cultures [27].
  • Gel filtration analysis indicate the aromatic and histidinol phosphate aminotransferases have molecular weights of 63,500 and 33,000, respectively [28].
  • Analysis of individual protein bands by SDS-PAGE showed that at least 17 bands became less prominent, while 13 polypeptides became more prominent, during exposure to histidinol [29].


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  3. Effects of L-histidinol on the susceptibility of P815 mastocytoma cells to selected anticancer drugs in vitro and in DBA/2J mice. Warrington, R.C., Cheng, I., Fang, W.D. J. Natl. Cancer Inst. (1987) [Pubmed]
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