MeSH Review:
Electric Organ
- The 87K postsynaptic membrane protein from Torpedo is a protein-tyrosine kinase substrate homologous to dystrophin. Wagner, K.R., Cohen, J.B., Huganir, R.L. Neuron (1993)
- Surface and intracellular distribution of a putative neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Jacob, M.H., Lindstrom, J.M., Berg, D.K. J. Cell Biol. (1986)
- A tyrosine kinase related to pp60c-src is associated with membranes of Electrophorus electricus electric organ. Shores, C.G., Cox, M.E., Maness, P.F. J. Biol. Chem. (1987)
- Rabies virus binding to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha subunit demonstrated by virus overlay protein binding assay. Gastka, M., Horvath, J., Lentz, T.L. J. Gen. Virol. (1996)
- Isolation of a cDNA clone for a catalytic subunit of Torpedo marmorata acetylcholinesterase. Sikorav, J.L., Vallette, F., Grassi, J., Massoulié, J. FEBS Lett. (1985)
- Crosslinking of proteins in acetylcholine receptor-rich membranes: association between the beta-subunit and the 43 kd subsynaptic protein. Burden, S.J., DePalma, R.L., Gottesman, G.S. Cell (1983)
- Functional acetylcholine receptor in PC12 cells reacts with a monoclonal antibody to brain nicotinic receptors. Whiting, P.J., Schoepfer, R., Swanson, L.W., Simmons, D.M., Lindstrom, J.M. Nature (1987)
- Aggregates of acetylcholinesterase induced by acetylcholine receptor-aggregating factor. Wallace, B.G., Nitkin, R.M., Reist, N.E., Fallon, J.R., Moayeri, N.N., McMahan, U.J. Nature (1985)
- Hormonal control of sexual differentiation: changes in electric organ discharge waveform. Bass, A.H., Hopkins, C.D. Science (1983)
- Expression of Torpedo californica creatine kinase in Escherichia coli and purification from inclusion bodies. Wang, P.F., Novak, W.R., Cantwell, J.S., Babbitt, P.C., McLeish, M.J., Kenyon, G.L. Protein Expr. Purif. (2002)
- Antipeptide monoclonal antibodies inhibit the binding of rabies virus glycoprotein and alpha-bungarotoxin to the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. Bracci, L., Antoni, G., Cusi, M.G., Lozzi, L., Niccolai, N., Petreni, S., Rustici, M., Santucci, A., Soldani, P., Valensin, P.E. Mol. Immunol. (1988)
- Identification of a cDNA clone coding for the acetylcholine binding subunit of Torpedo marmorata acetylcholine receptor. Giraudat, J., Devillers-Thiery, A., Auffray, C., Rougeon, F., Changeux, J.P. EMBO J. (1982)
- cDNA sequences of Torpedo marmorata acetylcholinesterase: primary structure of the precursor of a catalytic subunit; existence of multiple 5'-untranslated regions. Sikorav, J.L., Krejci, E., Massoulié, J. EMBO J. (1987)
- Binding of thymopoietin to the acetylcholine receptor. Venkatasubramanian, K., Audhya, T., Goldstein, G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1986)
- Change in state of phosphorylation of acetylcholine receptor during maturation of the electromotor synapse in Torpedo marmorata electric organ. Saitoh, T., Changeux, J.P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1981)
- Shared antigenic determinant between the Electrophorus acetylcholine receptor and a synaptic component on chicken ciliary ganglion neurons. Jacob, M.H., Berg, D.K., Lindstrom, J.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1984)
- Monoclonal antibody to acetylcholine receptor: cell line established from thymus of patient with Myasthenia gravis. Kamo, I., Furukawa, S., Tada, A., Mano, Y., Iwasaki, Y., Furuse, T., Ito, N., Hayashi, K., Satoyoshi, E. Science (1982)
- Identification of a heparan sulphate-containing proteoglycan as a specific core component of cholinergic synaptic vesicles from Torpedo marmorata. Stadler, H., Dowe, G.H. EMBO J. (1982)
- Large-scale purification of presynaptic plasma membranes from Torpedo marmorata electric organ. Morel, N., Marsal, J., Manaranche, R., Lazereg, S., Mazie, J.C., Israel, M. J. Cell Biol. (1985)
- The mammalian 43-kD acetylcholine receptor-associated protein (RAPsyn) is expressed in some nonmuscle cells. Musil, L.S., Frail, D.E., Merlie, J.P. J. Cell Biol. (1989)
- Nerve terminal anchorage protein 1 (TAP-1) is a chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan: biochemical and electron microscopic characterization. Carlson, S.S., Wight, T.N. J. Cell Biol. (1987)
- Regulation of tyrosine phosphorylation of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor at the rat neuromuscular junction. Qu, Z.C., Moritz, E., Huganir, R.L. Neuron (1990)
- The electric sense of weakly electric fish. Heiligenberg, W., Bastian, J. Annu. Rev. Physiol. (1984)
- Binding of a Glycera convoluta neurotoxin to cholinergic nerve terminal plasma membranes. Morel, N., Thieffry, M., Manaranche, R. J. Cell Biol. (1983)
- Anchorage of collagen-tailed acetylcholinesterase to the extracellular matrix is mediated by heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Brandan, E., Maldonado, M., Garrido, J., Inestrosa, N.C. J. Cell Biol. (1985)
- Characterisation of alpha-dystrobrevin in muscle. Nawrotzki, R., Loh, N.Y., Ruegg, M.A., Davies, K.E., Blake, D.J. J. Cell. Sci. (1998)
- Voltage-dependent anion channel proteins in synaptosomes of the torpedo electric organ: immunolocalization, purification, and characterization. Shafir, I., Feng, W., Shoshan-Barmataz, V. J. Bioenerg. Biomembr. (1998)
- Desmin: molecular interactions and putative functions of the muscle intermediate filament protein. Costa, M.L., Escaleira, R., Cataldo, A., Oliveira, F., Mermelstein, C.S. Braz. J. Med. Biol. Res. (2004)
- The small leucine-rich repeat proteoglycan biglycan binds to alpha-dystroglycan and is upregulated in dystrophic muscle. Bowe, M.A., Mendis, D.B., Fallon, J.R. J. Cell Biol. (2000)
- Immunoreactivity of skate electrocytes towards monoclonal antibodies against human dystrophin and dystrophin-related (DMDL) protein. Dowdall, M.J., Ellis, J.M., Nguyen thi Man, n.u.l.l., Morris, G.E. Neurosci. Lett. (1992)
- Identification of agrin, a synaptic organizing protein from Torpedo electric organ. Nitkin, R.M., Smith, M.A., Magill, C., Fallon, J.R., Yao, Y.M., Wallace, B.G., McMahan, U.J. J. Cell Biol. (1987)
- Acetylcholine receptor-associated 43K protein contains covalently bound myristate. Musil, L.S., Carr, C., Cohen, J.B., Merlie, J.P. J. Cell Biol. (1988)
- A single gene codes for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit in Torpedo marmorata: structural and developmental implications. Klarsfeld, A., Devillers-Thiéry, A., Giraudat, J., Changeux, J.P. EMBO J. (1984)
- Activation of the Na+, K(+)-ATPase in Narcine brasiliensis. Blum, H., Nioka, S., Johnson, R.G. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1990)
- Topological mapping of acetylcholine receptor: evidence for a model with five transmembrane segments and a cytoplasmic COOH-terminal peptide. Young, E.F., Ralston, E., Blake, J., Ramachandran, J., Hall, Z.W., Stroud, R.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1985)