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Chemical Compound Review

Dimilin     N-[(4- chlorophenyl)carbamoyl]-2,6- difluoro...

Synonyms: Difluron, Duphacid, Larvakil, Astonex, Micromite, ...
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Disease relevance of DIFLUBENZURON


High impact information on DIFLUBENZURON


Chemical compound and disease context of DIFLUBENZURON


Biological context of DIFLUBENZURON


Anatomical context of DIFLUBENZURON

  • In vitro cytotoxic and cell transforming activities exerted by the pesticides cyanazine, dithianon, diflubenzuron, procymidone, and vinclozolin on BALB/c 3T3 cells [19].
  • Significantly increased AqCHS1 mRNA level associated with decreased chitin synthesis may imply possible inhibition of chitin synthase, or abnormal chitin synthase translocation or chitin microfibril assembly conferred by diflubenzuron [20].
  • Except for cypermethrin and diflubenzuron, all these chemicals exerted a cytotoxic effect in hepatocytes and HaCaT, but not in HepG2 cells [21].
  • Insect growth regulators: development of house flies in feces of bovines fed TH 6040 in mineral blocks and reduction in field populations by surface treatments with TH 6040 or a mixture of stirofos and dichlorvoa at larval breeding areas [22].

Associations of DIFLUBENZURON with other chemical compounds


Gene context of DIFLUBENZURON


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of DIFLUBENZURON


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