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Olfactory Nerve

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Disease relevance of Olfactory Nerve


High impact information on Olfactory Nerve


Biological context of Olfactory Nerve


Anatomical context of Olfactory Nerve


Associations of Olfactory Nerve with chemical compounds

  • To obtain OERPs, stimulants were chosen to stimulate specifically the olfactory nerve (2.1 ppm vanillin, 0.8 ppm H2S) [14].
  • 10. 14C-labelled ouabain was found to bind to the garfish olfactory nerve with an equilibrium dissociation constant of about 0.5 muM [15].
  • Post-tetanic hyperpolarization, sodium-potassium-activated adenosine triphosphatase and high energy phosphate levels in garfish olfactory nerve [16].
  • The former may reflect diffuse olfactory nerve inputs to the dendritic tufts in the olfactory glomeruli, while tha latter may reflect input from discrete bundles of fibres [17].
  • These results strongly support the notion that glutamate is the neurotransmitter at the olfactory nerve to mitral/tufted cell synapse [18].

Gene context of Olfactory Nerve

  • Olfactory nerve fascicles in the lamina propia were heterogenously labeled: VIM 13.2 gave very weak labeling; aVimAS showed mild labeling and SBV-21 showed intensive labeling in the nerve fascicle [19].
  • Olfactory marker protein antiserum labeled the olfactory nerve layer and glomeruli [20].
  • In some cases, with less severe neocortical pathology, the terminal arborizations of olfactory nerve appear hyperplastic and are associated with focal accumulations of A-4 (beta-amyloid) immunoreactivity that are not detectable by standard amyloid stains [21].
  • Olfactory nerves were distinguished from other axons because the latter were positive for all three NF subunits and peripherin, in addition to vimentin and GAP-43 [22].
  • CRBP I and CRABP I localisation during olfactory nerve development [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Olfactory Nerve


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