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Disease relevance of Axotomy


High impact information on Axotomy


Chemical compound and disease context of Axotomy


Biological context of Axotomy

  • Downregulation of Na(v)1.9, which results from a lack of peripheral glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor following peripheral axotomy, might retune DRG neurons and contribute to their hyperexcitability after nerve injury [16].
  • Apoptosis resulting from normal development or from axotomy can be inhibited markedly by exogenous neuregulin [17].
  • Because these results raised the possibility that axonal loss may influence neurotrophin expression only in SCs that have differentiated toward a myelinating phenotype, we measured BDNF mRNA after axotomy in the cervical sympathetic trunk (CST), a predominantly unmyelinated autonomic nerve [18].
  • Changes in the synthesis and axonal transport of neurofilament (NF) proteins and tubulin were examined after various selective axotomies of adult rat DRG cells [19].
  • Removal of NT-3 4-5 weeks after beginning treatment resulted in a decline of conduction velocity and EPSP amplitude within 1 week to values characteristic of axotomy [20].

Anatomical context of Axotomy


Associations of Axotomy with chemical compounds

  • These results suggest that transient activation of PKC, PKA, and/or serine phosphatase inhibition by axotomy triggers persistent intracellular changes that may be related to polarity loss in these neurons [26].
  • Taken together, these findings suggest that activation of c-Jun mediates the loss of dopamine neurons after axotomy injury [27].
  • Axotomy induces the expression of vasopressin receptors in cranial and spinal motor nuclei in the adult rat [28].
  • M-35 potentiated the facilitation of the flexor reflex by conditioning stimulation of cutaneous unmyelinated afferents in rats with intact nerves and the potentiating effect of M-35 on the conditioning-stimulation-induced reflex facilitation of the cutaneous unmyelinated afferents was strongly enhanced after axotomy [29].
  • Administration of testosterone attenuates neuronal loss following axotomy in the brain-stem motor nuclei of female rats [30].

Gene context of Axotomy

  • In vivo, CT-1 protected neonatal sciatic motoneurons against the effects of axotomy [31].
  • BDNF and NT-4/5 prevent atrophy of rat rubrospinal neurons after cervical axotomy, stimulate GAP-43 and Talpha1-tubulin mRNA expression, and promote axonal regeneration [32].
  • In newborn animals in which CNTF is not yet expressed, exogenous CNTF that is locally administered very effectively protects motoneurons from degeneration by axotomy [33].
  • In a sciatic axotomy model of neuronal injury in the neonate, death of DRG neurons was also reduced by JNK3 deficiency [34].
  • Administration of nerve growth factor (NGF) rescued the immunoreactivity of substance P, which is known to disappear after peripheral axotomy, but not influence that of both E-cadherin or alpha N-catenin [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Axotomy


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