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Carotid Body

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Disease relevance of Carotid Body


High impact information on Carotid Body

  • Enkephalin-, VIP- and substance P-like immunoreactivity in the carotid body [6].
  • Met- and Leu-enkephalin-like material occurred in considerable quantities in carotid body extracts and enkephalin-like immunoreactivity was localised in type I cells [6].
  • In glomus cells of the carotid body, the differential properties of O2-sensitive K+ and Ca2+ channels help us to understand the basic features of O2 chemoreception [7].
  • Low glucose-sensing cells in the carotid body [1].
  • We have tested the suitability of chromaffin-like carotid body glomus cells for dopamine cell replacement in Parkinsonian rats [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of Carotid Body

  • Normally, O2-sensitive K+ channels in neurosecretory type I carotid body cells are intimately involved in excitation of the intact organ by hypoxia [9].
  • In in vivo studies, close carotid body (intraarterial) administration of CP-96,345 attenuated the sensory response to hypoxia in a dose-dependent manner with 73% of the response abolished at doses of 0.3-0.6 mg/kg [10].
  • Secretory responses of intact glomus cells in thin slices of rat carotid body to hypoxia and tetraethylammonium [11].
  • 2. Prenatal hypoxia decreased the dopamine content in the carotid bodies at all ages, and decreased the utilisation rate of noradrenaline in the caudal part of the A2 (A2c), A1 and A5 noradrenergic brainstem cell groups at 3 weeks after birth [12].
  • 6. Our results show that the neonatal lamb possesses a carotid body steady-state CO2 sensitivity within a few days of birth, an age when hypoxia sensitivity is low [13].

Biological context of Carotid Body


Anatomical context of Carotid Body


Associations of Carotid Body with chemical compounds


Gene context of Carotid Body

  • Histologic analysis revealed no abnormalities of carotid body morphology in Hif1a(+/-) mice [26].
  • We found that Hoxa3 homozygous null mutant mice had the lack of the carotid body [21].
  • However, in the absence of target tissues, a large proportion of carotid body afferents could be rescued by implants containing BDNF [27].
  • Mash1 is required for glomus cell formation in the mouse carotid body [28].
  • In summary, our results suggest that Epo controls ventilation at the central (brainstem) and peripheral (carotid body) levels [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Carotid Body


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