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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Ubichinon     2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-(3- methylbut-2...

Synonyms: Ubiquinone-5, Ubiquinone 1, Ubiquinone 5, a ubiquinone, Coenzymes Q, ...
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Disease relevance of Coenzyme Q

  • Mixtures that have been separated with supercritical carbon dioxide include resin acids with the empirical formula C20H30O2 and ubiquinones from bacterial cell wall extracts of Legionella pneumophila [1].
  • The membrane protein DsbB from Escherichia coli is essential for disulfide bond formation and catalyses the oxidation of the periplasmic dithiol oxidase DsbA by ubiquinone [2].
  • Proton transfer from the bulk to the bound ubiquinone Q(B) of the reaction center in chromatophores of Rhodobacter sphaeroides: retarded conveyance by neutral water [3].
  • Crystals of protein from Blastochloris viridis (formerly Rhodopseudomonas viridis) were reconstituted with ubiquinone and analyzed by monochromatic and Laue diffraction, in the dark and 3 ms after illuminating the crystal with a pulsed laser (630 nm, 3 mJ/pulse, 7 ns duration) [4].
  • Although humans can synthesize coenzyme Q10, the anti-P. carinii activity and low toxicity of ubiquinone analogs such as atovaquone suggest that the electron transport chain in the pathogen may differ importantly from that in the host [5].

Psychiatry related information on Coenzyme Q


High impact information on Coenzyme Q


Chemical compound and disease context of Coenzyme Q


Biological context of Coenzyme Q

  • A model based on the difference between the two structures is proposed to explain the observed kinetics of electron transfer from QA-QB to QAQB- and the relative binding affinities of the different ubiquinone species in the QB pocket [20].
  • The plasma membrane (PM) contains redox enzymes that provide electrons for energy metabolism and recycling of antioxidants such as coenzyme Q and alpha-tocopherol [21].
  • The evidence is consistent with a function for coenzyme Q in a trans-plasma membrane electron transport system which influences cell growth [22].
  • In the presence of NADH and ubiquinone-1, the vesicles also generate a membrane potential (interior negative) that is similar in magnitude to that observed in the presence of D-lactate [23].
  • Although mitochondrial DNA is known to encode a limited number (<20) of the polypeptide components of respiratory complexes I, III, IV, and V, genes for components of complex II [succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone); succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, EC] are conspicuously lacking in mitochondrial genomes so far characterized [24].

Anatomical context of Coenzyme Q


Associations of Coenzyme Q with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Coenzyme Q


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Coenzyme Q


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