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Chemical Compound Review

Psoriazin     1-chloro-2-(2- chloroethylsulfanyl)ethane

Synonyms: Yperite, Mustardgas, Mustard gas, Sulfur mustard, Mustard, sulfur, ...
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Disease relevance of Yperite


Psychiatry related information on Yperite


High impact information on Yperite

  • Sulfur mustard has been shown to be mutagenic in a variety of different species using many different laboratory techniques from fruit flies, microorganisms and mammalian cell cultures (Fox and Scott, 1980) [7].
  • Sulfur mustard is cytotoxic to dermal fibroblasts as well as epidermal keratinocytes [8].
  • Sulfur mustard induces markers of terminal differentiation and apoptosis in keratinocytes via a Ca2+-calmodulin and caspase-dependent pathway [2].
  • The explants were then organ cultured in small Petri dishes for 24 h at 36 degrees C. In the 0.03-1.0% dosage range, a straight-line dose-response relationship occurred between the concentration of SM applied and the number of paranuclear vacuoles seen histologically in the epidermis [1].
  • P2X purinoceptor-mediated phasic (twitch) motor responses of the isolated rat vas deferens to neurogenic or exogenous ATP were rapidly, specifically and irreversibly potentiated by bis(2-chloroethyl)sulfide (HD 10-100 microM) [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Yperite


Biological context of Yperite


Anatomical context of Yperite


Associations of Yperite with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Yperite


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Yperite


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  17. Possible protein phosphatase inhibition by bis(hydroxyethyl)sulfide, a hydrolysis product of mustard gas. Brimfield, A.A. Toxicol. Lett. (1995) [Pubmed]
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  19. Sulfur mustard induces apoptosis and necrosis in endothelial cells. Dabrowska, M.I., Becks, L.L., Lelli, J.L., Levee, M.G., Hinshaw, D.B. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1996) [Pubmed]
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