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Chemical Compound Review

IOXAGLATE SODIUM     sodium3-[2-[[3-(ethanoyl- methyl-amino)-2...

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Disease relevance of ioxaglic acid


High impact information on ioxaglic acid


Chemical compound and disease context of ioxaglic acid

  • The incidence of the combined primary endpoint of failed catheter laboratory outcome/requirement for bailout stenting/requirement for abciximab/myocardial infarction/death before hospital discharge was higher in the Visipaque group compared to the Hexabrix group (17.9% vs. 14.8%), although this did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.29) [11].
  • Death, related to abrupt occlusion of a severe left main stenosis occurred in one patient who received Hexabrix, and acute pulmonary edema occurred in one patient who received Isovue [12].
  • Thus, ischemia and reperfusion significantly dampened the coronary hemodynamic and vascular response to R76, HB, and 0.9% NaCl but not to OM [13].

Biological context of ioxaglic acid

  • There were fewer perturbations of the ECG, less alteration in the diastolic blood pressure, and no serious adverse reactions noted in the Hexabrix group [14].
  • The decreased osmotic diuresis associated with Hexabrix necessitated delayed bladder filming for optimal evaluation [15].
  • When used for IV-DSA, the lower osmolality associated with Hexabrix offers the theoretic advantages of (1) reduced osmotic load and (2) diminished alteration in central blood volume [14].
  • We prospectively examined hemodynamic, electrocardiographic, and echocardiographic indices of left ventricular function in patients undergoing contrast ventriculography with a high osmolar, ionic, monomeric contrast, diatrizoate (Renografin-76) compared with a low osmolar, ionic, dimeric contrast, ioxaglate (Hexabrix) [16].
  • In the second group, HR measured by a radioimmunoassay, and PEFR measured by a peak flowmeter were investigated after injection of Hexabrix (10 patients), Telebrix (10 patients), Omnipaque (10 patients) and Iopamiron (10 patients) [17].

Anatomical context of ioxaglic acid


Associations of ioxaglic acid with other chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ioxaglic acid


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