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Disease relevance of Urography


High impact information on Urography

  • At enrolment and 4 years' follow-up we estimated GFR from the plasma clearance of 51Cr-labelled edetic acid (EDTA), and did intravenous urography [6].
  • Serum samples obtained from 40 patients, before and 30 min after undergoing i.v. pyelography, revealed no significant change in total hemolytic C activity; 34 patients received sodium and methylglucamine diatrizoate and six received sodium iothalamate [7].
  • This report, in context with the increasing number of case reports of similar, indicates that intravenous pyelography is dangerous in patients with juvenile onset diabetes who have a creatinine level of more than 5 mg/100 ml [1].
  • We therefore studied the prevalence of RPN in 76 patients with long-standing IDDM and in 34 age-matched control subjects by intravenous urography [8].
  • In order to clarify the effects of RCM on the complement system, three different parameters (CH50, C3a, and C1 inhibitor) were measured in 20 patients undergoing intravenous pyelography for diagnostic purposes [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of Urography


Biological context of Urography


Anatomical context of Urography


Associations of Urography with chemical compounds


Gene context of Urography

  • Thus CEA in urine and/or serum cannot substitute for cystourethroscopy, urography and exfoliative cytology in the follow-up of patients previously treated for urothelial carcinoma [27].
  • Preoperative examinations included intravenous urography (IVU), transrectal sonography of the prostate (TRSP), cystometry, uroflowmetry, and urethral pressure profilometry (UPP) [28].
  • Ultrasound may replace urography in screening pediatric patients with uncomplicated urinary tract infections but without vesicoureteral reflux [29].
  • Re: Excretory urography with glucagon [30].
  • Excretory urography also demonstrated only the dominant mass of the Wilms tumor [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Urography


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