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Chemical Compound Review

SLea     (2S,4S,5R,6R)-5-acetamido-2- [(2S,3R,4S,5S...

Synonyms: HMDB06579, Sialyl Lea tri, Sialyl Lewis a, FT-0674576, AC1LD8E9, ...
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Disease relevance of Sialyl Lewis a


High impact information on Sialyl Lewis a


Chemical compound and disease context of Sialyl Lewis a


Biological context of Sialyl Lewis a


Anatomical context of Sialyl Lewis a

  • Two mucin-type glycoproteins detected by the monoclonal antibody C50, which reacts with the carcinoma-associated sialyl-Lewis a and sialyl-lactotetraose epitopes, were found in secreted and solubilized materials from the colon carcinoma cell line COLO 205 [16].
  • Influence of Lewis alpha1-3/4-L-fucosyltransferase (FUT3) gene mutations on enzyme activity, erythrocyte phenotyping, and circulating tumor marker sialyl-Lewis a levels [17].
  • Like BBAI, L-CanAg can inhibit leukocyte HL-60 cell adhesion to E-selectin-transfected COS-I cells, and this inhibition can be blocked by a F(ab')2 fragment directed against the sialyl-Lewis a epitope [18].
  • Secreted MUC1 mucins lacking their cytoplasmic part and carrying sialyl-Lewis a and x epitopes from a tumor cell line and sera of colon carcinoma patients can inhibit HL-60 leukocyte adhesion to E-selectin-expressing endothelial cells [19].
  • These findings suggest that some sialylglycoconjugates, perhaps sialyl Lewis A in particular, play an important role in the initial interaction of RAW117-H10 cells with the hepatic endothelium, leading to metastasis [20].

Associations of Sialyl Lewis a with other chemical compounds

  • To investigate the role of such mechanisms in cutaneous tumors, whole skin biopsies were examined immunohistochemically for a variety of selectin ligands including sialyl-Lewis-X, sialyl-Lewis-A (S-Le(a)), sulfatides, and CD15 [21].
  • We observed the following: (i) The functional group at the anomeric position of carbohydrates plays an important role during selectin recognition, since sLe(X) and sialyl Lewis-a (sLe(a)) were approximately 5-7-fold poorer inhibitors of L-selectin mediated cell adhesion compared to their methyl glycosides [22].
  • Here we show that biotinylated polyacrylamide-type glycoconjugates which contain sialyl Lewis X (sLex-polymer) or sialyl Lewis A (sLea-polymer) are ligands for E-selectin. sLea-polymer bound E-selectin with higher affinity than sLex-polymer [23].
  • Both the MUC1 and CD43 mucins became sialyl-Lewis a reactive, but after different times as revealed by pulse-chase studies [24].
  • Both glycoproteins carry sialyl-Lewis a epitopes and could bind transfected COS cells expressing E-selectin in a Ca(2+)- and E-selectin-dependent way [25].

Gene context of Sialyl Lewis a


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Sialyl Lewis a


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