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Chemical Compound Review

CHEMBL63139     (8R,8aR)-1,2,3,5,6,7,8,8a...

Synonyms: CHEBI:202237, NSC614553, AC1L79LA, NCI60_004937, 72741-87-8
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Disease relevance of swainsonine


High impact information on swainsonine

  • Galectin-1-induced apoptosis required expression of CD45, and was decreased when N-glycan elongation was blocked by treatment of the cells by swainsonine, whereas inhibition of O-glycan elongation potentiated the apoptotic effect of galectin-1 [5].
  • Cell-bound ManBSA-colloidal gold conjugate was localized by electron microscopy to clathrin-coated pits on the cell surface, and was found to undergo internalization to endosomes; this was inhibitable by weak bases and swainsonine, that also inhibited ligand-induced mitogenesis [6].
  • Protective effects of swainsonine on murine survival and bone marrow proliferation during cytotoxic chemotherapy [7].
  • Swainsonine, a plant alkaloid and potent inhibitor of Asn-linked oligosaccharide processing, has previously been shown to inhibit organ colonization by metastatic murine tumor cells and to inhibit the growth of transformed fibroblasts in soft agar [2].
  • We have previously shown that swainsonine, administered systemically to C57BL/6 mice, inhibited the pulmonary metastasis of iv injected B16-F10 melanoma cells by a mechanism involving interleukin-2 production and augmentation of natural killer cell activity [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of swainsonine


Biological context of swainsonine


Anatomical context of swainsonine


Associations of swainsonine with other chemical compounds


Gene context of swainsonine


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of swainsonine

  • If these results are confirmed in humans, swainsonine may offer promise in future intensive chemotherapy programs, allowing increased dosage and/or frequency of administration of cytotoxic agents without increasing toxic effects in bone marrow [7].
  • In this report, we show that swainsonine has antiproliferative activity against human tumor cells growing in tissue culture and as tumor xenografts in nude mice [2].
  • Increased sensitivity to lysis occurs after treatment with other N-glycan processing inhibitors that promote accumulation of high mannose-type glycosides (deoxymannojirimycin and swainsonine) [31].
  • Culture media from JEG cells incubated in the presence or absence of Swainsonine were filtered on Sephadex G-100, and free alpha was identified by radioimmunoassay [32].
  • The SW effect would appear to be due to a direct interaction of SW with a cell surface structure involved in syngeneic rosette formation rather than the known ability of SW to block the processing of N-linked sugar structures [33].


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