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Gene Review

ITGB1  -  integrin, beta 1 (fibronectin receptor,...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD29, FNRB, Fibronectin receptor subunit beta, GPIIA, Glycoprotein IIa, ...
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Disease relevance of ITGB1


High impact information on ITGB1


Chemical compound and disease context of ITGB1

  • In order to determine the cellular targets of AMI in human gastric cancer SC-M1 cells, we examined AMI-induced changes in the levels of adhesion molecules CD29 (beta 1 integrin) and CD54 (ICAM-1) and GSH [8].
  • A family with MEN 2A, consisting of 88 members and their spouses, was studied to test the reliability of the provocation of plasma calcitonin with pentagastrin and the possibility of DNA diagnosis of mutated gene carriers with DNA probes closely linked to the MEN2A gene including RBP3 and FNRB genes [9].

Biological context of ITGB1


Anatomical context of ITGB1


Associations of ITGB1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of ITGB1


Regulatory relationships of ITGB1

  • In contrast with the activating CD29 mAb 8A2, a combination of blocking CD49 mAbs or the nonactivating but blocking CD29 mAb AIIB2 failed to inhibit completely eosinophil migration over FN-preincubated or HUVEC-covered filters. mAb 8A2 stimulated binding to FN but not to HUVEC [26].
  • The above results strongly suggest that the VLA/CD29 family of antigens may play an important role in regulating CD4 T cell activation via the CD3-T cell receptor pathway [27].
  • However, a CD29 mAb which inhibits homotypic cell aggregation could not block this IL-8 production [28].
  • Pretreatment of neutrophils with either a CD29-stimulating monoclonal antibody or the addition of TNF-alpha (0.1-10 U/ml) to the coculture failed to induce transendothelial migration [29].
  • Monoclonal antibodies to beta1 integrins beta-subunit (CD29) also strongly induced tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-10 production, but not interleukin-12 [30].

Other interactions of ITGB1

  • Immunoelectron microscopy revealed fibers surrounded by cytoplasmic FDC extensions that were CD29-, CD49e-, and CD49f-positive [17].
  • Given that CD29 is currently regarded as critical for lymphocyte trafficking in general and for transvascular migration in particular, and CD54 is also involved in transvascular lymphocyte migration, we conclude that their consistent absence in IL may contribute to its intravascular and disseminated distribution pattern [19].
  • In all cases, the surfaces of IL aggregates reacted for CD44 but were consistently negative for CD29; also absent was CD54 [19].
  • No evidence for adhesion to vitronectin through CD29 and beta 5 integrins was obtained [15].
  • Neutralizing antibodies reactive with either alpha 4, VCAM-1, or CD29 were all equally capable of inhibiting the binding of activated leukocytes to mesothelial cells (in the presence of anti-CD18 antibody) [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ITGB1


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