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Chemical Compound Review

Homocarnosine     2-(4-aminobutanoylamino)-3- (3H-imidazol-4...

Synonyms: CHEBI:28050, NSC-92522, SureCN10937318, AC1L3HFG, AC1Q5SHP, ...
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Disease relevance of NSC92522


Psychiatry related information on NSC92522


High impact information on NSC92522


Chemical compound and disease context of NSC92522

  • Since glutathione, carnosine, homocarnosine, and anserine are considered to be cellular antioxidants, the present work suggests that instead of protecting against oxidative damage, these oligopeptides may facilitate the Ni(2+)-mediated free radical generation and thus may participate in the mechanism(s) of Ni2+ toxicity and carcinogenicity [11].
  • These facts suggest that the sedative activity of these drugs except ACTH might be partially explained by the increase of inhibitory amino acids in the brain, such as glutamine, homocarnosine and taurine, and that of ACTH by the dehydration of the brain, resulting in concentration of many free amino acids [12].

Biological context of NSC92522

  • The inability of homocarnosine to react with HOCl, interfere with the TBA test or affect lipid peroxidation systems in the same way as carnosine is surprising in view of the apparent structural similarity between these two molecules [13].
  • These results suggest that apoptosis is an important characteristic of OGD-induced neuronal death and that antioxidants, such as homocarnosine, may prevent OGD-induced neuronal death by inhibiting the apoptotic process and/or in relation to the differential attenuation of activity of MAPKs [4].
  • Since the GABA conjugate homocarnosine is increased in the brain following GABA-T inhibition and since homocarnosine is known to displace [3H]-GABA from its binding sites at high concentration, we investigated whether homocarnosine might explain the dyskinetic movements produced by these GABA-T inhibitors [14].
  • The physiological function of this enzyme seems to be the hydrolysis of homocarnosine in the brain and the splitting of carnosine and anserine in the blood stream [15].
  • In infants under 2 years of age, significant correlation between homocarnosine levels in CSF and the gestational age was found (r = 0.79, p less than 0.001) [16].

Anatomical context of NSC92522


Associations of NSC92522 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of NSC92522


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NSC92522


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