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Gene Review

LECT1  -  leukocyte cell derived chemotaxin 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BRICD3, CHM-I, CHM1, CHMI, Leukocyte cell-derived chemotaxin 1, ...
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Disease relevance of LECT1

  • The products of chondromodulin-I precursor processing were seen in cultured chondrocytes, a stable long-term culture chondrosarcoma cell line, as well as Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with an expression plasmid that contained cDNA coding for the chondromodulin-I precursor [1].
  • Here we have investigated the regulatory mechanism of the expression of the chondromodulin-I (ChM-I) gene, one of the chondrocyte-specific genes, in osteogenic cells using osteosarcoma (OS) cells as a model [2].
  • Moreover, ChM-I also inhibited the growth of HT-29 colon adenocarcinoma in vivo, implying its therapeutic potential for solid tumors [3].
  • In conclusion, pleomorphic adenoma expressed ChM-I, which is involved in hypovascularity and chondroid formation in this type of tumor [4].
  • Comparison of GC-Lect and modified Thayer-Martin media for isolation of Neisseria gonorrhoeae [5].

Psychiatry related information on LECT1

  • Therefore, activation differences between episodic and semantic retrieval may ref lect variation along a continuum of processing during task performance within the context of a single memory system [6].
  • Skilled speechreading was also associated with activations and deactivations in other brain regions, suggesting that individual differences ref lect the efficiency of a circuit linking sensory, perceptual, memory, cognitive, and linguistic processes rather than the operation of a single component process [7].

High impact information on LECT1

  • The inhibition of Sp3 expression by small interfering RNA reduced the expression of the ChM-I gene in ChM-I-positive normal chondrocytes, indicating Sp3 as a physiological transcriptional activator of the ChM-I gene [2].
  • 5-Aza-deoxycytidine treatment induced the expression of the ChM-I gene in ChM-I-negative OS cell lines, and the induction of expression was associated tightly with the demethylation of cytosine at -52 (C(-52)) in the middle of an Sp1/3 binding site to which the Sp3, but not Sp1, bound [2].
  • Methylation in the core-promoter region of the chondromodulin-I gene determines the cell-specific expression by regulating the binding of transcriptional activator Sp3 [2].
  • To further dissect the processing events, three constructs that express recombinant wild-type or mutant chondromodulin-I were transfected into CHO cells [1].
  • Chondromodulin-I (ChM-I) is a small glycoprotein that is abundant in fetal cartilage [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of LECT1


Biological context of LECT1

  • Specific loss of chondromodulin-I gene expression in chondrosarcoma and the suppression of tumor angiogenesis and growth by its recombinant protein in vivo [3].
  • The deduced amino acid sequence revealed that mature human ChM-I consists of 120 amino acids [9].
  • Multiple transfection of the precursor cDNA into CHO cells enabled us to isolate the mature form of human ChM-I from the culture supernatant [9].
  • These results suggest that ChM-I participates in the angiogenic switching of cartilage, and that the withdrawal of its expression allows capillary in-growth, which triggers the replacement of cartilage by bone during endochondral bone development [10].
  • Expression of ChM-I cDNA in CHO cells indicated that mature ChM-I molecules were secreted from the cells after post-translational modifications and cleavage from the precursor protein at the predicted processing site [10].

Anatomical context of LECT1


Associations of LECT1 with chemical compounds

  • We showed that chondromodulin-I is cleaved intracellularly at the predicted cleavage site, and that the mature glycopeptide is rapidly secreted immediately after processing [1].
  • In the present study, we isolated rabbit ChM-I precursor CDNA by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reactions [11].
  • These results suggested that the expression of ChM-I gene in CS has no direct role in tumorigenesis but rather reflects the site of tumor development and therefore precursor of tumor cells [13].
  • 5-Carboxymethyl-2-hydroxymuconate isomerase (CHMI) and 4-oxalocrotonate tautomerase (4-OT) are enzymes that catalyze the isomerization of unsaturated ketones [14].
  • To evaluate the effect of ChM-I on ectopic bone formation, guanidine extracts of demineralized bone matrix were mixed with the ChM-I-bound heparin-Sepharose beads and were implanted onto the fasciae of back muscle of 6-week old nude mice [15].

Regulatory relationships of LECT1

  • On the other hand, all of four central CSs without extramedullary lesions were negative, and the ChM-I negative tumors expressed the parathyroid hormone-related peptide gene at the lower level and the COL10A1 genes at the higher level than articular cartilage cells [13].

Other interactions of LECT1

  • To elucidate whether ChM-I plays an essential role in angio-inhibition during endochondral ossification in man, we investigated the expression and localization of ChM-I in comparison with those of angiogenic factors and the endothelial cell marker CD34 in human neonatal vertebral tissues [16].
  • The putative roles of these proteins range from involvement in matrix organization or matrix-cell signaling (PRELP, chondroadherin, cartilage oligomeric protein and cartilage matrix protein) through to molecules that are likely to be involved with modulation of the chondrocyte phenotype (CD-RAP, CDMPs, chondromodulin and pleiotrophin) [17].
  • Type II collagen and aggrecan were immunolocalized throughout the matrix around lacuna cells of the chondroid element (100%, 91.7%), and ChM-I was infrequently immunolocalized to the spindle-shaped myoepithelial cells in the myxoid element (37.5%) [4].
  • Angiogenesis inhibitors localized in hypovascular mesenchymal tissues: chondromodulin-I and tenomodulin [18].
  • Immunohistochemical analysis revealed co-expression of ChM-I and BMP-6 in canine mammary tumors [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of LECT1


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