Gene Review:
ACAN - aggrecan
Homo sapiens
AGC1, AGCAN, Aggrecan core protein, CSPCP, CSPG1, ...
- A mutation in the variable repeat region of the aggrecan gene (AGC1) causes a form of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia associated with severe, premature osteoarthritis. Gleghorn, L., Ramesar, R., Beighton, P., Wallis, G. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (2005)
- Identification of a locus for a form of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia on chromosome 15q26.1: exclusion of aggrecan as a candidate gene. Eyre, S., Roby, P., Wolstencroft, K., Spreckley, K., Aspinwall, R., Bayoumi, R., Al-Gazali, L., Ramesar, R., Beighton, P., Wallis, G. J. Med. Genet. (2002)
- Autocatalytic cleavage of ADAMTS-4 (Aggrecanase-1) reveals multiple glycosaminoglycan-binding sites. Flannery, C.R., Zeng, W., Corcoran, C., Collins-Racie, L.A., Chockalingam, P.S., Hebert, T., Mackie, S.A., McDonagh, T., Crawford, T.K., Tomkinson, K.N., LaVallie, E.R., Morris, E.A. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Induction of arthritis in SCID mice by T cells specific for the "shared epitope" sequence in the G3 domain of human cartilage proteoglycan. Hanyecz, A., Bárdos, T., Berlo, S.E., Buzás, E., Nesterovitch, A.B., Mikecz, K., Glant, T.T. Arthritis Rheum. (2003)
- Membrane type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP) cleaves the recombinant aggrecan substrate rAgg1mut at the 'aggrecanase' and the MMP sites. Characterization of MT1-MMP catabolic activities on the interglobular domain of aggrecan. Büttner, F.H., Hughes, C.E., Margerie, D., Lichte, A., Tschesche, H., Caterson, B., Bartnik, E. Biochem. J. (1998)
- Human aggrecan keratan sulfate undergoes structural changes during adolescent development. Brown, G.M., Huckerby, T.N., Bayliss, M.T., Nieduszynski, I.A. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans are associated with the lesions of Alzheimer's disease. DeWitt, D.A., Silver, J., Canning, D.R., Perry, G. Exp. Neurol. (1993)
- Chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans are a common component of neuronal inclusions and astrocytic reaction in neurodegenerative diseases. DeWitt, D.A., Richey, P.L., Praprotnik, D., Silver, J., Perry, G. Brain Res. (1994)
- Solution structure of the link module: a hyaluronan-binding domain involved in extracellular matrix stability and cell migration. Kohda, D., Morton, C.J., Parkar, A.A., Hatanaka, H., Inagaki, F.M., Campbell, I.D., Day, A.J. Cell (1996)
- Arthritis induced by proteoglycan aggrecan G1 domain in BALB/c mice. Evidence for t cell involvement and the immunosuppressive influence of keratan sulfate on recognition of t and b cell epitopes. Zhang, Y., Guerassimov, A., Leroux, J.Y., Cartman, A., Webber, C., Lalic, R., de Miguel, E., Rosenberg, L.C., Poole, A.R. J. Clin. Invest. (1998)
- Aggrecan degradation in human cartilage. Evidence for both matrix metalloproteinase and aggrecanase activity in normal, osteoarthritic, and rheumatoid joints. Lark, M.W., Bayne, E.K., Flanagan, J., Harper, C.F., Hoerrner, L.A., Hutchinson, N.I., Singer, I.I., Donatelli, S.A., Weidner, J.R., Williams, H.R., Mumford, R.A., Lohmander, L.S. J. Clin. Invest. (1997)
- Glucosamine sulfate modulates the levels of aggrecan and matrix metalloproteinase-3 synthesized by cultured human osteoarthritis articular chondrocytes. Dodge, G.R., Jimenez, S.A. Osteoarthr. Cartil. (2003)
- Differential modulation of human melanoma cell metalloproteinase expression by alpha2beta1 integrin and CD44 triple-helical ligands derived from type IV collagen. Baronas-Lowell, D., Lauer-Fields, J.L., Borgia, J.A., Sferrazza, G.F., Al-Ghoul, M., Minond, D., Fields, G.B. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- The intermediates of aggrecanase-dependent cleavage of aggrecan in rat chondrosarcoma cells treated with interleukin-1. Sandy, J.D., Thompson, V., Doege, K., Verscharen, C. Biochem. J. (2000)
- Expression of a wide range of extracellular matrix molecules in the tendon and trochlea of the human superior oblique muscle. Milz, S., Regner, F., Putz, R., Benjamin, M. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2002)
- Detection of aggrecanase- and MMP-generated catabolic neoepitopes in the rat iodoacetate model of cartilage degeneration. Janusz, M.J., Little, C.B., King, L.E., Hookfin, E.B., Brown, K.K., Heitmeyer, S.A., Caterson, B., Poole, A.R., Taiwo, Y.O. Osteoarthr. Cartil. (2004)
- Extended passaging, but not aldehyde dehydrogenase activity, increases the chondrogenic potential of human adipose-derived adult stem cells. Estes, B.T., Wu, A.W., Storms, R.W., Guilak, F. J. Cell. Physiol. (2006)
- Potent induction of chondrocytic differentiation of human adipose-derived adult stem cells by bone morphogenetic protein 6. Estes, B.T., Wu, A.W., Guilak, F. Arthritis Rheum. (2006)
- Levels of circulating collagenase, stromelysin-1, and tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases 1 in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Relationship to serum levels of antigenic keratan sulfate and systemic parameters of inflammation. Manicourt, D.H., Fujimoto, N., Obata, K., Thonar, E.J. Arthritis Rheum. (1995)
- Alternative splicing in the aggrecan G3 domain influences binding interactions with tenascin-C and other extracellular matrix proteins. Day, J.M., Olin, A.I., Murdoch, A.D., Canfield, A., Sasaki, T., Timpl, R., Hardingham, T.E., Aspberg, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- A hyaluronan binding link protein gene family whose members are physically linked adjacent to chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan core protein genes: the missing links. Spicer, A.P., Joo, A., Bowling, R.A. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Freshly isolated osteoarthritic chondrocytes are catabolically more active than normal chondrocytes, but less responsive to catabolic stimulation with interleukin-1beta. Fan, Z., Bau, B., Yang, H., Soeder, S., Aigner, T. Arthritis Rheum. (2005)
- TIMP-3 is a potent inhibitor of aggrecanase 1 (ADAM-TS4) and aggrecanase 2 (ADAM-TS5). Kashiwagi, M., Tortorella, M., Nagase, H., Brew, K. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Analysis of aggrecan in human knee cartilage and synovial fluid indicates that aggrecanase (ADAMTS) activity is responsible for the catabolic turnover and loss of whole aggrecan whereas other protease activity is required for C-terminal processing in vivo. Sandy, J.D., Verscharen, C. Biochem. J. (2001)
- Interaction of lumican with aggrecan in the aging human sclera. Dunlevy, J.R., Rada, J.A. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (2004)
- Fibrin gel improved the spatial uniformity and phenotype of human chondrocytes seeded on collagen scaffolds. Malicev, E., Radosavljevic, D., Velikonja, N.K. Biotechnol. Bioeng. (2007)
- Expression and purification of functionally active hyaluronan-binding domains from human cartilage link protein, aggrecan and versican: formation of ternary complexes with defined hyaluronan oligosaccharides. Seyfried, N.T., McVey, G.F., Almond, A., Mahoney, D.J., Dudhia, J., Day, A.J. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Metabolism of human articular chondrocytes cultured in alginate beads. Longterm effects of interleukin 1beta and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Sanchez, C., Mateus, M.M., Defresne, M.P., Crielaard, J.M., Reginster, J.Y., Henrotin, Y.E. J. Rheumatol. (2002)
- Variations in aggrecan structure modulate its susceptibility to aggrecanases. Roughley, P.J., Barnett, J., Zuo, F., Mort, J.S. Biochem. J. (2003)
- The proteoglycans aggrecan and Versican form networks with fibulin-2 through their lectin domain binding. Olin, A.I., Mörgelin, M., Sasaki, T., Timpl, R., Heinegård, D., Aspberg, A. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- TSG-6 interacts with hyaluronan and aggrecan in a pH-dependent manner via a common functional element: implications for its regulation in inflamed cartilage. Parkar, A.A., Kahmann, J.D., Howat, S.L., Bayliss, M.T., Day, A.J. FEBS Lett. (1998)
- Link protein is ubiquitously expressed in non-cartilaginous tissues where it enhances and stabilizes the interaction of proteoglycans with hyaluronic acid. Binette, F., Cravens, J., Kahoussi, B., Haudenschild, D.R., Goetinck, P.F. J. Biol. Chem. (1994)
- Direct quantification of the rupture force of single hyaluronan/hyaluronan binding protein bonds. Liu, X., Sun, J.Q., Heggeness, M.H., Yeh, M.L., Luo, Z.P. FEBS Lett. (2004)
- ADAMTS4 cleaves at the aggrecanase site (Glu373-Ala374) and secondarily at the matrix metalloproteinase site (Asn341-Phe342) in the aggrecan interglobular domain. Westling, J., Fosang, A.J., Last, K., Thompson, V.P., Tomkinson, K.N., Hebert, T., McDonagh, T., Collins-Racie, L.A., LaVallie, E.R., Morris, E.A., Sandy, J.D. J. Biol. Chem. (2002)
- Characterization of human aggrecanase 2 (ADAM-TS5): substrate specificity studies and comparison with aggrecanase 1 (ADAM-TS4). Tortorella, M.D., Liu, R.Q., Burn, T., Newton, R.C., Arner, E. Matrix Biol. (2002)
- Membrane-type 1 MMP (MMP-14) cleaves at three sites in the aggrecan interglobular domain. Fosang, A.J., Last, K., Fujii, Y., Seiki, M., Okada, Y. FEBS Lett. (1998)
- Quantification of a matrix metalloproteinase-generated aggrecan G1 fragment using monospecific anti-peptide serum. Lark, M.W., Williams, H., Hoernner, L.A., Weidner, J., Ayala, J.M., Harper, C.F., Christen, A., Olszewski, J., Konteatis, Z., Webber, R. Biochem. J. (1995)
- Cleavage of native cartilage aggrecan by neutrophil collagenase (MMP-8) is distinct from endogenous cleavage by aggrecanase. Arner, E.C., Decicco, C.P., Cherney, R., Tortorella, M.D. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Inhibition of bovine nasal cartilage degradation by selective matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors. Bottomley, K.M., Borkakoti, N., Bradshaw, D., Brown, P.A., Broadhurst, M.J., Budd, J.M., Elliott, L., Eyers, P., Hallam, T.J., Handa, B.K., Hill, C.H., James, M., Lahm, H.W., Lawton, G., Merritt, J.E., Nixon, J.S., Röthlisberger, U., Whittle, A., Johnson, W.H. Biochem. J. (1997)
- Secreted chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan of human B cell lines binds to the complement protein C1q and inhibits complex formation of C1. Kirschfink, M., Blase, L., Engelmann, S., Schwartz-Albiez, R. J. Immunol. (1997)
- Neuronal matrix metalloproteinase-2 degrades and inactivates a neurite-inhibiting chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan. Zuo, J., Ferguson, T.A., Hernandez, Y.J., Stetler-Stevenson, W.G., Muir, D. J. Neurosci. (1998)
- Specific growth factors during the expansion and redifferentiation of adult human articular chondrocytes enhance chondrogenesis and cartilaginous tissue formation in vitro. Jakob, M., Démarteau, O., Schäfer, D., Hintermann, B., Dick, W., Heberer, M., Martin, I. J. Cell. Biochem. (2001)
- Mechanotransduction via integrins and interleukin-4 results in altered aggrecan and matrix metalloproteinase 3 gene expression in normal, but not osteoarthritic, human articular chondrocytes. Millward-Sadler, S.J., Wright, M.O., Davies, L.W., Nuki, G., Salter, D.M. Arthritis Rheum. (2000)
- Identification of fibronectin neoepitopes present in human osteoarthritic cartilage. Zack, M.D., Arner, E.C., Anglin, C.P., Alston, J.T., Malfait, A.M., Tortorella, M.D. Arthritis Rheum. (2006)
- The interglobular domain of cartilage aggrecan is cleaved by PUMP, gelatinases, and cathepsin B. Fosang, A.J., Neame, P.J., Last, K., Hardingham, T.E., Murphy, G., Hamilton, J.A. J. Biol. Chem. (1992)
- Paracrine interactions of chondrocytes and macrophages in cartilage degradation: articular chondrocytes provide factors that activate macrophage-derived pro-gelatinase B (pro-MMP-9). Dreier, R., Wallace, S., Fuchs, S., Bruckner, P., Grässel, S. J. Cell. Sci. (2001)
- Tissue-engineered intervertebral disc and chondrogenesis using human nucleus pulposus regulated through TGF-beta1 in platelet-rich plasma. Chen, W.H., Lo, W.C., Lee, J.J., Su, C.H., Lin, C.T., Liu, H.Y., Lin, T.W., Lin, W.C., Huang, T.Y., Deng, W.P. J. Cell. Physiol. (2006)
- Aggrecanase versus matrix metalloproteinases in the catabolism of the interglobular domain of aggrecan in vitro. Little, C.B., Flannery, C.R., Hughes, C.E., Mort, J.S., Roughley, P.J., Dent, C., Caterson, B. Biochem. J. (1999)