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Gene Review

Actg1  -  actin, gamma, cytoplasmic 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AL023024, Actg, Actin, cytoplasmic 2, Actl, E51, ...
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Disease relevance of Actg1


High impact information on Actg1


Chemical compound and disease context of Actg1

  • Human neuroblastoma SH-EP cells transfected with gamma-actin siRNA displayed higher relative resistance to paclitaxel (P<.001), vinblastine (P = .04), and epothilone B (P = .045) than mock-transfected cells [11].

Biological context of Actg1


Anatomical context of Actg1


Associations of Actg1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Actg1


Other interactions of Actg1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Actg1

  • Using fluorescent double in situ hybridization we describe the simultaneous intracellular localization of both beta and gamma actin mRNA [24].
  • The Actg gene was mapped to mouse chromosome 6 by Southern blot analysis of DNA isolated from 15 mouse-hamster hybrid cell lines [25].
  • The major cytoskeletal protein, gamma-actin, was down-regulated in the VCR-resistant leukemia xenografts; in contrast, there was no significant change in beta-actin expression [26].
  • A partial sequence analysis of the pME1 insert DNA indicated that it contained a 104-base-pair stretch with extensive homology to the 3' untranslated region of gamma actin [19].
  • DNA from ten mouse genomic clones, each containing distinct gamma-actin processed pseudogenes, was subjected to electron microscopic heteroduplex analysis, and in three cases (lambda mA36, lambda mA118 and lambda mA119) the heteroduplex formed with the DNA of a reference clone was found to be interrupted by a single-stranded loop [27].


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