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Gene Review

SV40gp6  -  large T antigen

Simian virus 40

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Disease relevance of SV40gp6


High impact information on SV40gp6

  • We have purified two major polypeptides of 54 and 56 kd from bovine erythrocytes that specifically bind the nuclear location sequence (NLS) of the SV40 large T antigen [6].
  • Since it was immortalized using the temperature-sensitive allele tsA58 of SV40 large T antigen, these cells grow continuously at 33 degrees C, but not at 39 degrees C, the body temperature of rodents [7].
  • SV40 large T antigen binds preferentially to an underphosphorylated member of the retinoblastoma susceptibility gene product family [8].
  • Mapping of an amino acid sequence responsible for the nuclear localization of the c-abl (IV) protein reveals a nuclear localization signal similar to that of SV40 large T antigen [9].
  • A biochemical role for SV40 small t antigen (t) in the viral infectious cycle that would explain the strong conservation of t structure among papovaviruses and its role as a helper of SV40 large T antigen function in the viral transforming process is not understood [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of SV40gp6


Biological context of SV40gp6


Anatomical context of SV40gp6


Associations of SV40gp6 with chemical compounds

  • This transversion resulted in the creation of a new RsaI cleavage site in the tsA1499 DNA and predicts an arginine-to-threonine substitution at amino acid position 186 in the mutant large T antigen [23].
  • Stringent selection for neo expression by homologous recombination (3 of 11 correctly targeted) was achieved by fusing the SV40 large T antigen gene, in frame, to neo in a promoterless construct, such that G418 resistance depended on endogenous promoter function and read-through transcription [24].
  • The structure also shows that LTag binding induces dramatic conformational changes at the DNA-binding area of p53, which is achieved partially through an unusual "methionine switch" within p53 [25].
  • The amino acid sequence displays two glutamic acid-rich domains, which are probably involved in the interaction with the histones, and a putative nuclear targeting signal with high homology to that of the SV40 large T-antigen which is located near the carboxy terminus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)[26]
  • In the MMR-proficient cells, activation of the MNNG-induced G(2)/M checkpoint was accompanied by phosphorylation of p53, but the cell death pathway was p53 independent, as the latter polypeptide is functionally inactivated in these cells by SV40 large T antigen [27].

Regulatory relationships of SV40gp6


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SV40gp6

  • Using electron microscopy, we show that the N-terminal part of LTag that includes the origin-binding domain does not present a stable quaternary structure in single hexamers [19].
  • The amount of telomerase activity increased during passage in cell culture and appeared to parallel increases in the cellular amounts of the SV40 large T-antigen [29].
  • Crude and highly purified SV40 large T antigen has been found to exist in forms of various sizes Immunoreactive structures of 5.5S (80-85 kd), 7S (or approximately 150 kd) and 15.5S (325-340 kd) have been identified by zonal sedimentation and gel filtration [30].
  • A specific protein of molecular weight (MW) approximately 55,000 (55K) was found recently by immunoprecipitation in all SV40 virus-transformed mammalian cells, in addition to the SV40 large T antigen (appoximately 94K) and small antigen (approximately 17K), which are the only proteins coded by the 'early half' of the SV40 genome [31].
  • The presence of the E1A protein products as assayed by immunofluorescence does not strictly correlate with the induction of DNA synthesis in microinjected cells in contrast to the SV40 large T-antigen [32].


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