Gene Review:
F8 - coagulation factor VIII, procoagulant...
Homo sapiens
AHF, Antihemophilic factor, Coagulation factor VIII, DXS1253E, F8B, ...
de Visser,
van Hylckama Vlieg,
- Influence of the type of factor VIII concentrate on the incidence of factor VIII inhibitors in previously untreated patients with severe hemophilia A. Goudemand, J., Rothschild, C., Demiguel, V., Vinciguerrat, C., Lambert, T., Chambost, H., Borel-Derlon, A., Claeyssens, S., Laurian, Y., Calvez, T. Blood (2006)
- Antihemophilic factor concentrate therapy in von Willebrand disease. Dissociation of bleeding-time factor and ristocetin-cofactor activities. Blatt, P.M., Brinkhous, K.M., Culp, H.R., Krauss, J.S., Roberts, H.R. JAMA (1976)
- High factor VIII (FVIII) levels in venous thromboembolism: role of unbound FVIII. Schambeck, C.M., Grossmann, R., Zonnur, S., Berger, M., Teuchert, K., Spahn, A., Walter, U. Thromb. Haemost. (2004)
- Haplotypes encoding the factor VIII 1241 Glu variation, factor VIII levels and the risk of venous thrombosis. Nossent, A.Y., Eikenboom, J.C., Vos, H.L., Bakker, E., Tanis, B.C., Doggen, C.J., Bertina, R.M., Rosendaal, F.R. Thromb. Haemost. (2006)
- The effect of beta-receptor blockade on factor VIII levels and thrombin generation in patients with venous thromboembolism. Schönauer, V., Giannini, S., Christ, G., Quehenberger, P., Bieglmayer, C., Stain, M., Kyrle, P.A., Weltermann, A. Thromb. Haemost. (2003)
- An engineered interdomain disulfide bond stabilizes human blood coagulation factor VIIIa. Gale, A.J., Pellequer, J.L. J. Thromb. Haemost. (2003)
- Human recombinant DNA-derived antihemophilic factor (factor VIII) in the treatment of hemophilia A. recombinant Factor VIII Study Group. Schwartz, R.S., Abildgaard, C.F., Aledort, L.M., Arkin, S., Bloom, A.L., Brackmann, H.H., Brettler, D.B., Fukui, H., Hilgartner, M.W., Inwood, M.J. N. Engl. J. Med. (1990)
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- Heightened interaction between platelets and factor VIII/von Willebrand factor in a new subtype of von Willebrand's disease. Ruggeri, Z.M., Pareti, F.I., Mannucci, P.M., Ciavarella, N., Zimmerman, T.S. N. Engl. J. Med. (1980)
- Phenotype correction of hemophilia A mice by spliceosome-mediated RNA trans-splicing. Chao, H., Mansfield, S.G., Bartel, R.C., Hiriyanna, S., Mitchell, L.G., Garcia-Blanco, M.A., Walsh, C.E. Nat. Med. (2003)
- Deletion of alanine 2201 in the FVIII C2 domain results in mild hemophilia A by impairing FVIII binding to VWF and phospholipids and destroys a major FVIII antigenic determinant involved in inhibitor development. d'Oiron, R., Lavergne, J.M., Lavend'homme, R., Benhida, A., Bordet, J.C., Negrier, C., Peerlinck, K., Vermylen, J., Saint-Remy, J.M., Jacquemin, M. Blood (2004)
- An arginine to cysteine amino acid substitution at a critical thrombin cleavage site in a dysfunctional factor VIII molecule. Shima, M., Ware, J., Yoshioka, A., Fukui, H., Fulcher, C.A. Blood (1989)
- Desmopressin: therapeutic limitations in children and adults with inherited coagulation disorders. Nolan, B., White, B., Smith, J., O'Reily, C., Fitzpatrick, B., Smith, O.P. Br. J. Haematol. (2000)
- Identification of seven novel mutations of F8C by DHPLC. Frusconi, S., Passerini, I., Girolami, F., Masieri, M., Linari, S., Longo, G., Morfini, M., Torricelli, F. Hum. Mutat. (2002)
- A 1.6-Mb contig of yeast artificial chromosomes around the human factor VIII gene reveals three regions homologous to probes for the DXS115 locus and two for the DXYS64 locus. Freije, D., Schlessinger, D. Am. J. Hum. Genet. (1992)
- Roles of phytanoyl-CoA alpha-hydroxylase in mediating the expression of human coagulation factor VIII. Chen, C., Wang, Q., Fang, X., Xu, Q., Chi, C., Gu, J. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Improved distinction of factor V wild-type and factor V Leiden using a novel prothrombin-based activated protein C resistance assay. Wilmer, M., Stocker, C., Bühler, B., Conell, B., Calatzis, A. Am. J. Clin. Pathol. (2004)
- G6PD haplotypes spanning Xq28 from F8C to red/green color vision. Filosa, S., Calabrò, V., Lania, G., Vulliamy, T.J., Brancati, C., Tagarelli, A., Luzzatto, L., Martini, G. Genomics (1993)
- Two novel glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency mutations and association of such mutations with F8C/G6PD haplotype in Chinese. Chen, H.L., Huang, M.J., Huang, C.S., Tang, T.K. J. Formos. Med. Assoc. (1997)
- Combined deficiency of factor V and factor VIII is due to mutations in either LMAN1 or MCFD2. Zhang, B., McGee, B., Yamaoka, J.S., Guglielmone, H., Downes, K.A., Minoldo, S., Jarchum, G., Peyvandi, F., de Bosch, N.B., Ruiz-Saez, A., Chatelain, B., Olpinski, M., Bockenstedt, P., Sperl, W., Kaufman, R.J., Nichols, W.C., Tuddenham, E.G., Ginsburg, D. Blood (2006)
- Differential interaction of coagulation factor VIII and factor V with protein chaperones calnexin and calreticulin. Pipe, S.W., Morris, J.A., Shah, J., Kaufman, R.J. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Factor VIII expression in liver disease. Hollestelle, M.J., Geertzen, H.G., Straatsburg, I.H., van Gulik, T.M., van Mourik, J.A. Thromb. Haemost. (2004)
- Anti-factor VIII antibodies: a 2005 update. Lavigne-Lissalde, G., Schved, J.F., Granier, C., Villard, S. Thromb. Haemost. (2005)
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- Low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein and factor IXa share structural requirements for binding to the A3 domain of coagulation factor VIII. Bovenschen, N., Boertjes, R.C., van Stempvoort, G., Voorberg, J., Lenting, P.J., Meijer, A.B., Mertens, K. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- LDL receptor cooperates with LDL receptor-related protein in regulating plasma levels of coagulation factor VIII in vivo. Bovenschen, N., Mertens, K., Hu, L., Havekes, L.M., van Vlijmen, B.J. Blood (2005)
- Structural and functional characterization of platelet receptor-mediated factor VIII binding. Ahmad, S.S., Scandura, J.M., Walsh, P.N. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Circulating factor VIII immune complexes in patients with type 2 acquired hemophilia A and protection from activated protein C-mediated proteolysis. Nogami, K., Shima, M., Giddings, J.C., Hosokawa, K., Nagata, M., Kamisue, S., Suzuki, H., Shibata, M., Saenko, E.L., Tanaka, I., Yoshioka, A. Blood (2001)
- Mutagenesis of a potential immunoglobulin-binding protein-binding site enhances secretion of coagulation factor VIII. Swaroop, M., Moussalli, M., Pipe, S.W., Kaufman, R.J. J. Biol. Chem. (1997)
- Severe hemophilia A in a female by cryptic translocation: order and orientation of factor VIII within Xq28. Migeon, B.R., McGinniss, M.J., Antonarakis, S.E., Axelman, J., Stasiowski, B.A., Youssoufian, H., Kearns, W.G., Chung, A., Pearson, P.L., Kazazian, H.H. Genomics (1993)
- Effects of plasmin on von Willebrand factor multimers. Degradation in vitro and stimulation of release in vivo. Hamilton, K.K., Fretto, L.J., Grierson, D.S., McKee, P.A. J. Clin. Invest. (1985)
- Induction of megakaryocytes to synthesize and store a releasable pool of human factor VIII. Wilcox, D.A., Shi, Q., Nurden, P., Haberichter, S.L., Rosenberg, J.B., Johnson, B.D., Nurden, A.T., White, G.C., Montgomery, R.R. J. Thromb. Haemost. (2003)
- Elevated plasma factor VIII in a mouse model of low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein deficiency. Bovenschen, N., Herz, J., Grimbergen, J.M., Lenting, P.J., Havekes, L.M., Mertens, K., van Vlijmen, B.J. Blood (2003)
- The factor VIII D1241E polymorphism is associated with decreased factor VIII activity and not with activated protein C resistance levels. Scanavini, D., Legnani, C., Lunghi, B., Mingozzi, F., Palareti, G., Bernardi, F. Thromb. Haemost. (2005)
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- X-chromosome markers and manic-depressive illness. Rejection of linkage to Xq28 in nine bipolar pedigrees. Berrettini, W.H., Goldin, L.R., Gelernter, J., Gejman, P.V., Gershon, E.S., Detera-Wadleigh, S. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1990)
- Platelet hyperaggregation and increased plasma level of Von Willebrand factor in diabetics with retinopathy. Bensoussan, D., Levy Toledano, S., Passa, P., Caen, J., Caniver, J. Diabetologia (1975)
- Determinants of the APTT- and ETP-based APC sensitivity tests. de Visser, M.C., van Hylckama Vlieg, A., Tans, G., Rosing, J., Dahm, A.E., Sandset, P.M., Rosendaal, F.R., Bertina, R.M. J. Thromb. Haemost. (2005)
- Type 2M von Willebrand disease variant characterized by abnormal von willebrand factor multimerization. Casonato, A., Pontara, E., Sartorello, F., Bertomoro, A., Durante, C., Girolami, A. J. Lab. Clin. Med. (2001)
- Lack of F8 mRNA: a novel mechanism leading to hemophilia A. El-Maarri, O., Singer, H., Klein, C., Watzka, M., Herbiniaux, U., Brackmann, H.H., Schröder, J., Graw, J., Müller, C.R., Schramm, W., Schwaab, R., Haaf, T., Hanfland, P., Oldenburg, J. Blood (2006)
- Purification and characterization of factor VIII 372-Cys: a hypofunctional cofactor from a patient with moderately severe hemophilia A. O'Brien, D.P., Pattinson, J.K., Tuddenham, E.G. Blood (1990)