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Gene Review

IGBP1  -  immunoglobulin (CD79A) binding protein 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ALPHA-4, B-cell signal transduction molecule alpha 4, CD79a-binding protein 1, IBP1, Immunoglobulin-binding protein 1, ...
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Disease relevance of IGBP1

  • A new X-linked syndrome with agenesis of the corpus callosum, mental retardation, coloboma, micrognathia, and a mutation in the Alpha 4 gene at Xq13 [1].
  • The alpha promoter regulator-ovalbumin chimeric gene resident in human cells is regulated like the authentic alpha 4 gene after infection with herpes simplex virus 1 mutants in alpha 4 gene [2].
  • Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria are classified in two marine (Erythrobacter and Roseobacter) and six freshwater (Acidiphilium, Erythromicrobium, Erythromonas, Porphyrobacter, Roseococcus, and Sandaracinobacter) genera, which phylogenetically belong to the alpha-1, alpha-3, and alpha-4 subclasses of the class Proteobacteria [3].
  • In brain the alpha 5 gene product is present both in alpha 3- and in alpha 4-based receptor subtypes, while in the ganglion it is found in an alpha 3-based receptor subtype concentrated in postsynaptic membrane [4].
  • Analysis of the functional epitopes on the alpha 4 chain demonstrated that antigen densities of all the functional epitopes were increased in those with vasculitis, indicating that the increased expression of VLA-4 resulted from the increased number of VLA-4 molecules, and was not secondary to an increase in one particular functional epitope [5].

Psychiatry related information on IGBP1


High impact information on IGBP1

  • The neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 4 subunit (CHRNA4) maps to the same region of 20q (ref. 12) and the gene is expressed in all layers of the frontal cortex [11].
  • A missense mutation in the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha 4 subunit is associated with autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy [11].
  • MAdCAM-1 is also a ligand for the lymphocyte integrin homing receptor for Peyer's patches, alpha 4 beta 7 (ref. 7), and may be uniquely adapted to support both selectin-mediated lymphocyte rolling and integrin-mediated adhesion and arrest in vivo [12].
  • The peptide alpha 4 is a designed four-helix bundle that contains a highly simplified hydrophobic core composed exclusively of leucine residues; its tertiary structure is therefore largely dictated by hydrophobic forces [13].
  • Major advances in the leukocyte integrin field this year have been the realization of the extensive roles for alpha 4 integrins in leukocyte function, the solution of the crystal structure of an I domain and its identification as a major ligand-binding site, and the initial understanding of how divalent cations may function in an active integrin [14].

Chemical compound and disease context of IGBP1


Biological context of IGBP1

  • CONCLUSIONS: Our findings not only implicate Alpha 4 in the pathogenesis of Opitz GBBB syndrome but also support our earlier hypothesis that MID2 is a modifier of the X-linked phenotype [20].
  • One of these is likely to provide the binding interface for Alpha 4 that is required for the localized turnover of the catalytic subunit of PP2A, the major Ser/Thr phosphatase [21].
  • Contiguous localization of the genes encoding human insulin-like growth factor binding proteins 1 (IGBP1) and 3 (IGBP3) on chromosome 7 [22].
  • Further characterization of the IGBP1 DNA sequence disclosed a duplication of the intron 3-exon 4 junction within the third intron [22].
  • Phosphorylation and microtubule association of the Opitz syndrome protein mid-1 is regulated by protein phosphatase 2A via binding to the regulatory subunit alpha 4 [23].

Anatomical context of IGBP1


Associations of IGBP1 with chemical compounds

  • The disabling H118N mutation at the active site or the presence of the active site inhibitor microcystin-LR did not interfere with binding of PP2Ac to either the A subunit or alpha-4, showing that these are allosteric regulators [28].
  • The increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of pp105 was specifically mediated by VLA-4, since mAbs against alpha 4, but not against other VLA alpha chains, could induce this phosphorylation [29].
  • Parts of the alpha 4 sequence most conserved in other alpha chains include (i) the positions of 19/24 cysteine residues, (ii) three potential divalent cation binding sites of the general structure DXDXDGXXD and (iii) the transmembrane region [30].
  • Here, we identified critical residues of alpha 4 for ligand binding using alanine-scanning mutagenesis of the previously localized putative ligand binding sites (residues 108-268) [31].
  • In conclusion, these findings show clearly that cultured T lymphocytes use two independent receptors during attachment to fibronectin and that (a) alpha 5 beta 1 is the receptor for the RGD containing cell adhesion domain, and (b) alpha 4 beta 1 is the receptor for a carboxy-terminal cell adhesion region containing the Heparin II and IIICS domains [32].

Physical interactions of IGBP1

  • These alpha 4 beta 7-positive JY cells bound poorly or not at all to VLA-4 ligands (soluble form of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (sVCAM-1) and the CS1 region of fibronectin) [33].
  • To localize the potential alpha 4 beta 1-binding site within the TSP-1 molecule, the protein was subjected to limited proteolysis with chymotrypsin in the absence of calcium [34].
  • The presence of complex N-linked oligosaccharides did not seem to be necessary for alpha 4 cleavage or for binding of the alpha 4 beta 1 complex to a synthetic peptide corresponding to the binding site for this receptor on fibronectin [35].
  • Our results suggest a model where VCAM-1 would initially participate in the retention of T cells to the endothelium by binding alpha 4 beta 1 integrin [36].
  • A fragment of paxillin binds the alpha 4 integrin cytoplasmic domain (tail) and selectively inhibits alpha 4-mediated cell migration [37].

Enzymatic interactions of IGBP1


Co-localisations of IGBP1


Regulatory relationships of IGBP1


Other interactions of IGBP1

  • Overlap in the clinical features of FG and Opitz GBBB syndromes warrants investigation of Alpha 4 as a candidate for causing FG syndrome [20].
  • Altered expression of Alpha 4, through either a change in translational efficiency, mRNA stability or splicing, could explain the clinical phenotype in these boys and the phenotypic overlap with Opitz GBBB syndrome [1].
  • Adhesion of CFC seen after interferon-alpha treatment could be inhibited by blocking antibodies directed at the alpha 4, alpha 5, and beta 1 integrins and vascular cell adhesion molecule, but not CD44 or intracellular adhesion molecule, suggesting that interferon-alpha induces normalization of progenitor-stroma interactions in CML [45].
  • In contrast to mAbs directed to VLA-4 alpha-subunit (alpha 4, CD49d), mAb 8A2 did not induce homotypic aggregation of PBL [46].
  • Loss of adhesion to FN was correlated with the concomitant decrease in the expression of alpha 4 and alpha 5 integrin subunits [47].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IGBP1


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