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Gene Review

FGF3  -  fibroblast growth factor 3

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: FGF-3, Fibroblast growth factor 3, HBGF-3, Heparin-binding growth factor 3, INT2, ...
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Disease relevance of FGF3


Psychiatry related information on FGF3

  • A probe specific for the INT-2 gene was labelled with [alpha-32P]dCTP and a probe to beta-actin, the control locus, was labelled with [alpha-35S]dATP [6].

High impact information on FGF3

  • Multipoint analysis yielded a maximum Lod score of 9.3 in the interval between markers INT2 and D11S871 [7].
  • Absence of endogenous TRP-2-INT2 expression in melanocytes was also confirmed by lack of recognition of HLA-A*68011-transduced, TRP-2(+) melanocyte lines by CTL 128 [8].
  • The cDNA encoding this antigen is composed of a partially spliced form of the melanocyte differentiation antigen tyrosinase-related protein (TRP)-2, containing exons 1-4 with retention of intron 2 and part of intron 4 (TRP-2-INT2) [8].
  • Quantitative reverse transcription PCR analysis carried out on total and/or cytoplasmic mRNA demonstrated that, in contrast to the fully spliced TRP-2 mRNA expressed in melanomas, normal skin melanocytes, and retina, the TRP-2-INT2 mRNA could be detected at significant levels in melanomas but not in normal cells of the melanocytic lineage [8].
  • In the present study, amplification of the proto-oncogenes Her-2/neu (also known as ERBB2) and INT2 was studied in primary tumor specimens from 72 premenopausal women and was related to starting age of oral contraceptive use and other reproductive risk factors [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of FGF3


Biological context of FGF3


Anatomical context of FGF3

  • NoBP overexpression conferred a proliferating effect onto NIH 3T3 cells and can counteract the inhibitory effect of nuclear FGF3, suggesting a role of NoBP in controlling proliferation in cells [12].
  • Using a novel technique for gene transfer into chicken embryos, we have readdressed the role of FGF3 during inner ear development in avians [15].
  • Nodular lesions developed at the injection sites in all seven mice injected with the F3-1 cell clone, which showed high expression of FGF3, and in two out of six mice injected with the F3-2 cell clone, which expressed a low level of FGF3 [16].
  • The FGF-3 gene is constitutively expressed in tumorigenic clones from the SW613-S human colon carcinoma cell line but is silent in non-tumorigenic clones [17].
  • HST-1 and INT-2 genes which is a member of fibroblast growth factor gene family, are amplified in approximately 50% of primary tumors and all the metastatic tumors of esophageal carcinomas [18].

Associations of FGF3 with chemical compounds

  • Analysis of secreted mutant mouse FGF3 confirmed an additional NH2-terminal processing at the corresponding sequence motif [19].
  • Int-2/FGF3 gene amplications were good indicators of prognosis, especially in premenopausal patients, and also in lymph-node-positive and steroid-receptor-negative patients [20].
  • Moreover, the relationship between progestin use and early abortion and amplification of the INT2 gene is biologically plausible [9].
  • The region of overlap of the allelic losses in the MENI-associated tumors enables us to place the MENI gene between PGA centromerically and INT2 telomerically, a region spanning about 7.5 cM [21].

Regulatory relationships of FGF3


Other interactions of FGF3

  • No expression of FGF3 or FGF4 was detected [1].
  • Genes contained in the consensus regions were MYC (8q24), EGFR (7p12.3), and FGF3 (11q13) [23].
  • Ectopic expression of FGF3 also influences the formation of the normal orthotopic inner ear, whereas another member of the FGF family, FGF2, shows no effects on inner ear induction [15].
  • We have thus undertaken fine-scale mapping of a 3.2-Mb region flanked by ACTN3 and FGF3 [24].
  • However, in the node-negative and ER-positive subgroups, there was a trend for an increased relapse rate in patients with INT-2 or CCND1 amplification [5].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of FGF3


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