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Clone Cells

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Disease relevance of Clone Cells


High impact information on Clone Cells


Chemical compound and disease context of Clone Cells


Biological context of Clone Cells


Anatomical context of Clone Cells


Associations of Clone Cells with chemical compounds

  • These findings indicate that reversible differentiation into the keratinizing squamous cells of a neoplastic human salivary intercalated duct cell clone occurs in growth medium containing retinoic acid [26].
  • 5-Azacytidine induction of stable myoepithelial and acinar cells from a human salivary intercalated duct cell clone [27].
  • Dinitrophenol-derivatized beta-glucuronidase (DNP-beta-glucuronidase), a ligand for the mannose receptor, was endocytosed by one population of J774 E clone cells, and mannose-derivatized monoclonal anti-DNP IgG (Man-IgG) was internalized by a second set of cells [28].
  • Dexamethasone treatment of the Jurkat T77 cell clone inhibited the enhancing effect of 12-O-tetradecanoylporbol-13-acetate (TPA) and the calcium ionophore A23187 on the interleukin 2 (IL2) mRNA levels and gene transcription from intact nuclei [29].
  • A protocol has been developed for isolating cholesterol ester-deficient cells from the Chinese hamster ovary cell clone 25-RA [30].

Gene context of Clone Cells

  • To investigate the molecular basis for the sensitivity of WNV to the Oas1b antiviral pathway, we established a stable mouse fibroblastic cell clone that up-regulates Oas1b protein expression under the control of the Tet-Off expression system [31].
  • Stimulation of the human Th cell clone HA-1.70 with either the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) or with a specific antigenic peptide resulted in p38 activation and the release of TNF-alpha [32].
  • Either local or systemic administration of CTLA4Ig, a functional antagonist of CD28 binding to B7, could abrogate the bone resorption induced by Th1 clone cells combined with gingival challenge with both Ag and LPS [3].
  • Transfection of human long-form D2R into an LIF-resistant MMQ cell clone restored LIF responsiveness [33].
  • Using 125I-labeled human recombinant IL-2 and 125I-labeled 33B3.1 (a MoAb directed against TAC antigen), we found that expression of both high and low affinity sites was decreased when clone cells were stimulated with D.BLCL in the presence of CsA and exogenous IL-2 (about 50% inhibition in the presence of 500 ng/ml of CsA) [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Clone Cells


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