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Gene Review

HAS3  -  hyaluronan synthase 3

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: HA synthase 3, Hyaluronan synthase 3, Hyaluronate synthase 3, Hyaluronic acid synthase 3
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Disease relevance of HAS3

  • To evaluate the physiological role of human HAS3, expression vectors for this protein were transfected into TSU cells (a prostate cancer cell line), and the phenotypic changes in these cells were examined [1].
  • In our study, colon carcinoma cells isolated from a lymph node metastasis (SW620) produced more pericellular HA and expressed higher levels of HAS3 mRNA compared to cells isolated from a primary colon carcinoma (SW480) [2].
  • Human mesothelial cells, which synthesize large amounts of hyaluronan, express mRNAs encoding all three HAS isoforms, whereas their transformed counterparts, mesothelioma cells, which produce only minute amounts of hyaluronan, express only HAS3 mRNA [3].
  • Human lung fibroblasts and the glioma cell line U-118 MG express only the HAS2 and HAS3 genes [3].
  • Of 20 cases of pulmonary adenocarcinoma, 5 overexpressed HAS1 (25%), 16 of 20 HAS2 (80%), and 4 of 20 HAS3 (20%) [4].

High impact information on HAS3

  • These results suggested that the HAS3-induced overexpression of hyaluronan enhanced tumor cell growth, extracellular matrix deposition, and angiogenesis but was not sufficient to induce metastatic behavior in TSU cells [1].
  • Hyaluronan synthase 3 overexpression promotes the growth of TSU prostate cancer cells [1].
  • Aggressive cells in prostate cancer secrete extracellular hyaluronan (HA) as a result of up-regulated HA synthase enzymes HAS2 and HAS3 [5].
  • The microvilli induced by HAS3 were gradually withered by introduction of an inhibitor of hyaluronan synthesis and rapidly retracted by hyaluronidase digestion, whereas they were not affected by competition with hyaluronan oligosaccharides and disruption of the CD44 gene, suggesting independence of hyaluronan receptors [6].
  • In cells transfected with green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged Has3, the dorsal surface was decorated by up to 150 slender, 3-20-microm-long microvillus-type plasma membrane protrusions, which also contained filamentous actin, the hyaluronan receptor CD44, and lipid raft microdomains [6].

Biological context of HAS3

  • These findings suggest that HAS3 gene expression plays a crucial role in the regulation of hyaluronan synthesis in the epidermis [7].
  • To assess functionality, HAS3 expression in SW620 cells was inhibited by transfection with an asHAS3 construct [2].
  • Partial clones facilitated the isolation of genomic and cDNA clones representing the mouse Has3 open reading frame [8].
  • HAS3 was localized to human chromosome 16q22.1 and Has3 to mouse Chr 8 [9].
  • Stimulation of mesothelial cells with platelet-derived growth factor-BB induced an up-regulation of mRNA for HAS2 to a maximum after 6 h of stimulation; HAS1 and HAS3 genes were only induced slightly [3].

Anatomical context of HAS3

  • Furthermore, in situ mRNA hybridization showed that mouse epidermal keratinocytes abundantly expressed HAS3 mRNA from the basal to the granular cell layers, suggesting that HAS3 functions in epidermis [7].
  • Labour-like cyclic mechanical stretch for 24, 36 and 48 h significantly enhanced the secretion of HA, from cultured human uterine cervical fibroblast (CxF) cells, 128.7, 151.4 and 173.2%, respectively, concomitant with a significant augmentation of HAS1 (36, 48 h), HAS2 (24, 36 and 48 h) and HAS3 (48 h) mRNA expression [10].
  • Expression of the mouse Has3 open reading frame in transfected COS-1 cells led to high levels of hyaluronan synthesis, as determined through a classical particle exclusion assay, and by in vitro HA synthase assays [8].
  • MAbs to beta 1 (DH12) and alpha 2 (HAS3) showed positive membrane and cytoplasmic staining of basal cells and luminal epithelial cells [11].
  • Furthermore, we suggest that overexpression of HAS1 and its variants in combination with HAS3 may form an HA matrix around WM cells, thus preventing their elimination by the immune system, and it promotes their migration and may facilitate the spread of disease [12].

Associations of HAS3 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of HAS3

  • In contrast to the activatory effect on HAS1, TGF-beta dose-dependently suppresses HAS3 mRNA [16].
  • HAS1 mRNA was upregulated by transforming growth factor-beta and HAS3 mRNA was upregulated by interleukin-1beta and somewhat by tumor necrosis factor-alpha in the RA cells [17].
  • In addition, at 24 h mRNA for HA synthase 2 was expressed in all samples whereas mRNA for HA synthase 3 was only expressed in strained cells [18].

Other interactions of HAS3


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HAS3


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