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Gene Review

IL3RA  -  interleukin 3 receptor, alpha (low affinity)

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CD123, IL-3 receptor subunit alpha, IL-3R subunit alpha, IL-3R-alpha, IL-3RA, ...
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Disease relevance of IL3RA


High impact information on IL3RA

  • Expression cloning of the human IL-3 receptor cDNA reveals a shared beta subunit for the human IL-3 and GM-CSF receptors [5].
  • Therefore, it has been suggested that p210Bcr/Abl and the IL-3 receptor may activate some common signal transduction pathways [6].
  • After allergen-challenge, although no significant change in total BM CD34+ cell numbers was observed, a significant increase in the proportion of CD34+ cells expressing IL-5R alpha, but not IL-3R alpha, was detected in the 24-h post-allergen, compared with the pre-allergen bone marrow [7].
  • These results provide a correlation of the structure-function relationships of IL-3 that should prove useful in evaluating the details of IL-3-IL-3 receptor interaction and in the rational design of clinically useful derivatives of this growth factor [8].
  • Here, we show that in endothelial cells the active beta1 integrin constitutively associates with the unphosphorylated IL-3 receptor (IL-3R) beta common subunit [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of IL3RA

  • In one common type of acute myeloid leukemia, which results in maturation arrest at the myeloid precursor level, there is a mutation of FLT3, a transmembrane tyrosine kinase, which results in constitutive activation of the IL-3 receptor [10].

Biological context of IL3RA


Anatomical context of IL3RA


Associations of IL3RA with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of IL3RA

  • IL-3 could also be coimmunoprecipitated with anti-IL-3R alpha or anti-beta c MAB, but it was not covalently attached to the receptor [19].

Co-localisations of IL3RA


Regulatory relationships of IL3RA


Other interactions of IL3RA

  • Human interleukin-3 (IL-3) induces disulfide-linked IL-3 receptor alpha- and beta-chain heterodimerization, which is required for receptor activation but not high-affinity binding [19].
  • The alpha-chain of the IL-3 receptor (CD123) was detectable neither in resting HGMC nor in HGMC exposed to stem cell factor and interleukin-4 [24].
  • Incubation of CD34+ cells with TNF-alpha for 2 days significantly increased the level of beta c and G-CSF increased the number of cells with high level expression of alpha, while other factors did not affect the IL-3R expression [14].
  • Furthermore, anti c-kit antibody staining of the CD34+ fraction from CB, but not from BM, showed two intensities and the IL-3R alpha expression seemed to be higher in a fraction of low c-kit expression [14].
  • When CD38 and CD90 (Thy-1) were used for further characterization of CD34+ cells from FLV, CE increased from 37+/-23% in CD123negative to 70+/-19% in CD123negativeCD38- and from 44+/-23% in CD123low to 66+/-19% in CD123lowCD38-. No significant increase in CE or DGP progenitors was observed when CD34+ cells were sorted by CD90 and CD123 [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of IL3RA


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