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Gene Review

MCL1  -  myeloid cell leukemia 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: BCL2L3, Bcl-2-like protein 3, Bcl-2-related protein EAT/mcl1, Bcl2-L-3, EAT, ...
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Disease relevance of MCL1


High impact information on MCL1


Chemical compound and disease context of MCL1


Biological context of MCL1

  • BCL2 differs from many oncogenes in that it inhibits programmed cell death, promoting viability rather than proliferation; this parallels the association of MCL1 with the programming of differentiation and concomitant maintenance of viability but not proliferation [1].
  • Thus, in contrast to proliferation-associated genes, expression of MCL1 and BCL2 relates to the programming of differentiation and cell viability/death [1].
  • Therefore, MCL1 may be involved in the inhibitory effect of VEGF on apoptotic cell death [15].
  • This finding prompted us to investigate whether MCL1, in addition to its anti-apoptotic function, has an effect on cell cycle progression [16].
  • Using a robust small interfering RNA (siRNA)-mediated gene silencing system developed in our laboratory, we analyzed the cytoprotective effects of fortilin and MCL1 together and apart in U2OS cell lines exposed to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) in both monoclonal and polyclonal cell populations [17].

Anatomical context of MCL1


Associations of MCL1 with chemical compounds

  • Antiapoptotic protein partners fortilin and MCL1 independently protect cells from 5-fluorouracil-induced cytotoxicity [17].
  • A bromodeoxyuridine uptake assay showed that the overexpression of MCL1 significantly inhibited the cell cycle progression through the S-phase [16].
  • In addition, other agents that markedly increased ERK phosphorylation (lipopolysaccharide, okadaic acid) also increased MCL1 expression [21].
  • BH3-ligand regulates access of MCL-1 to its E3 ligase [22].
  • We identified a short splicing variant of the MCL-1 mRNA in the human placenta encoding a protein, termed MCL-1 short (MCL-1S), with an altered C terminus as compared with the full-length MCL-1 long (MCL-1L), leading to the loss of BH1, BH2, and the transmembrane domains [23].

Physical interactions of MCL1


Regulatory relationships of MCL1

  • Vascular endothelial growth factor inhibits apoptotic death in hematopoietic cells after exposure to chemotherapeutic drugs by inducing MCL1 acting as an antiapoptotic factor [15].
  • MCL1 is a viability-promoting member of the BCL2 family that exhibits a rapid increase in expression in response to specific differentiation- and apoptosis-inducing stimuli [21].
  • Expression of the antiapoptotic MCL1 gene product is regulated by a mitogen activated protein kinase-mediated pathway triggered through microtubule disruption and protein kinase C [21].
  • Mitochondrial p53 activates Bak and causes disruption of a Bak-Mcl1 complex [24].

Other interactions of MCL1

  • Induction of BCL2 family member MCL1 as an early response to DNA damage [25].
  • Upregulated genes at both time-points were IL1B, CD14 and MCL1 [26].
  • The increase in expression of MCL1 was further studied using a panel of human cell lines that includes cells containing or not containing alterations in p53 as well as cells sensitive or insensitive to the apoptosis-inducing effects of DNA damage [25].
  • Baseline levels of message were detected for 3 ced-3 (CPP32, Ich-1 and ICE) and 4 ced-9 homologs (bcl-x, MCL1, bcl-2 and bax) in the frontal cortex [27].
  • A multiple pathway model is now presented, which demonstrates that MCL1 can undergo distinct phosphorylation events - mediated through separate signaling processes and involving different target sites - in cells that remain viable in the presence of TPA versus cells destined to die upon exposure to taxol or okadaic acid [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of MCL1

  • The intracellular localization of fortilin was predominantly nuclear and identical to that of MCL1, as shown by immunostaining and confocal microscopy analysis [19].
  • The disease-free survival rate was significantly higher in patients with MCL1 levels below the median level (P = 0.007) [4].
  • Immunofluorescence assay showed that hyphal bodies are covered by the N-terminal domains of MCL1 [28].
  • PATIENTS AND METHODS: Between January 1997 and January 1998, 131 patients with newly diagnosed MCL (MCL1; n = 34) and previously treated MCL (MCL2; n = 40), IMC (n = 28), and SLL (n = 29) received rituximab 375 mg/m(2)/wk for 4 weeks via intravenous infusion [29].
  • Using quantitative Western blotting we have determined the level of expression of BCL-2, BAX, MCL-1, and BCL-X in lymphoblasts from 47 children with ALL (33 at presentation only, 4 at relapse only, and 10 at both presentation and on relapse) [30].


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