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Gene Review

STX4  -  syntaxin 4

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-31, STX4A, Syntaxin-4, p35-2
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Disease relevance of STX4

  • Within the syntaxin family, syntaxin 4 interacted with SNAP23 and all vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMPs) examined, except tetanus neurotoxin insensitive VAMP (TI-VAMP) [1].

High impact information on STX4

  • The vesicle-targeting proteins synaptobrevin-2 and syntaxin-4 are proposed to play roles in this process [2].
  • Synip: a novel insulin-regulated syntaxin 4-binding protein mediating GLUT4 translocation in adipocytes [3].
  • In contrast, the carboxyterminal domain of Synip does not dissociate from syntaxin 4 in response to insulin stimulation but inhibits glucose transport and GLUT4 translocation [3].
  • Addition of PA to Stx4/SNAP23 vesicles markedly enhanced the fusion rate, whereas its addition to VAMP2 vesicles was inhibitory [4].
  • When syntaxin-4 is modeled into the synaptic fusion complex as a replacement of syntaxin-1A, no major steric clashes arise and the most variable amino acids localize to the outer surface of the complex [5].

Biological context of STX4

  • These data indicate that VAMP-2 mediates exocytosis of specific and tertiary granules, and that Q-SNARE/R-SNARE complexes containing VAMP-2 and syntaxin 4 are involved in neutrophil exocytosis [6].
  • These data demonstrate that syntaxin 4 plays a functional role on insulin release and granule fusion in beta cells and that this process is regulated by the syntaxin 4-specific binding protein Synip [7].
  • The PKC-dependent phosphorylation of PSP in activated platelets and its inhibitory effects on syntaxin 4 binding provide a novel functional link that may be important in coupling the processes of cell activation, intracellular signaling, and secretion [8].
  • We observed that during phagocytosis, Rab5a in GTP-bound form interacted with syntaxin-4 on the membrane of MCP and were retained for up to 90 minutes, whereas the complex was recruited to the SCP within 5 minutes but was selectively depleted from these vacuoles after 30 minutes of phagocytosis [9].
  • RESULTS: Nucleotide sequences obtained from PCR products exhibited nearly identical (>95%) homology with reported sequences for human SNAP-23 and syntaxin-4 [10].

Anatomical context of STX4


Associations of STX4 with chemical compounds

  • Consistent with a functional role of syntaxin 4 in this process, expression of syntaxin 4/DeltaTM also inhibited glucose-stimulated insulin secretion [7].
  • In contrast, addition of PIP2 to Stx4/SNAP23 vesicles inhibited the fusion reaction, and its addition to VAMP2 vesicles was stimulatory [4].
  • Cholesterol depletion causes dispersion of syntaxin 3 but not syntaxin 4 clusters [14].
  • We found that syntaxin 4 was phosphorylated in human platelets treated with a physiologic agent that induces secretion (thrombin) but not when they were treated with an agent that prevents secretion (prostacyclin) [15].
  • In contrast, calpeptin did not prevent SFLLRN-induced degradation of VAMP-3 and syntaxin 4 did not undergo substantial proteolysis following platelet activation [16].

Physical interactions of STX4


Co-localisations of STX4


Regulatory relationships of STX4


Other interactions of STX4


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of STX4


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