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Gene Review

STX2  -  syntaxin 2

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: EPIM, EPM, Epimorphin, STX2A, STX2B, ...
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Disease relevance of STX2


Psychiatry related information on STX2

  • A 'short family therapy' in schizophrenia, according to a specific systemic model (the 'Elementary Pragmatic Model' or EPM) with a strong paradoxical structure is presented [4].
  • With regard to all measures (number of drop-outs, symptoms according to the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, social activity according to the Strauss-Carpenter Outcome Scale and an interactive test) the EPM group showed better results [4].
  • Although standard EEG rarely demonstrates characteristic changes that may help differentiate causes of dementia, CEEG/EPM appears to demonstrate, on occasion, abnormalities in the posterior temporal and parietal regions in patients with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease and rarely in other forms of dementia or depression [5].
  • In CEEG/EPM studies, a pattern of relative suppression of alpha activity or suppressed auditory P300 amplitude in the posterior parietal regions was observed in 11 or 23 (48%) patients with Alzheimer's disease and 2 of 31 (6%) patients with other forms of dementia [5].

High impact information on STX2

  • Epimorphin: a mesenchymal protein essential for epithelial morphogenesis [6].
  • The identification of protein factors, such as epimorphin, scatter factor, and activin, that induce epithelial branching and convergent extension-like movements in embryonic tissues are important breakthroughs in our understanding of the role of mesenchyme in epithelial morphogenesis [7].
  • The vesicle-associated membrane proteins (VAMPs) 1 and 2 specifically bind the acceptor membrane proteins syntaxin 1A and 4 but not syntaxin 2 or 3 [8].
  • Insulin-induced ATP release from human platelets correlated with the association of syntaxin 2 with the vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 but was not associated with the activation of alphaIIbbeta3 integrin [9].
  • In lysates of A818-6 cells we detected the 34-and 31-kD isoforms and the dimers, and in lysates of fibroblasts the 150-kD tetramers of epimorphin additionally [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of STX2

  • Novel and as yet rare non-O157 Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) serotypes are emerging in Europe. Two different sorbitol-fermenting STECs, O100:H- carrying the virulence gene stx2 and O127:H40 carrying stx1 and eae genes (found in two related subjects), were isolated from patients' stool samples [11].
  • EPM was also more active than TMP against Moraxella catarrhalis, Neisseria meningitidis, and Bacteroides spp., but it was less active than TMP against all other gram-negative bacteria tested [12].
  • Additionally, when mice were treated with ciprofloxacin, an antibiotic that induces the O157:H7 Stx2-converting phage, the animals were more susceptible to the Stx2d1-producing mutant [13].
  • In addition, the toxicity of Stx2 alone, or in presence of LPS, is independent of the T cell compartment [14].

Biological context of STX2

  • Epimorphin is known as a mesenchymal factor involved in epithelial morphogenesis [15].
  • The predicted amino acid sequence of the rat epimorphin protein exhibited 96 and 86% identity with the mouse and human epimorphin proteins, respectively [16].
  • Within the cosmid insert, nine epimorphin exons were identified and sequenced [16].
  • The epimorphin gene is highly conserved among humans, mice, and rats and maps to human chromosome 7, mouse chromosome 5, and rat chromosome 12 [16].
  • The presence of both the general transport proteins (NSF and SNAPs) and specific transport proteins (syntaxin 2 and 4) indicates that platelet exocytosis uses a molecular mechanism similar to other secretory cells such as neurons [17].

Anatomical context of STX2


Associations of STX2 with chemical compounds

  • Our major finding was that, in contrast to Stx, the active site of the A-subunit of Stx2 is accessible in the holotoxin, and a molecule of formic acid and a water molecule mimic the binding of the adenine base of the substrate [3].
  • Closely following the change in ceramide level was an increase in the expression of globotriaosylceramide (Gb3), the receptor for Stx2 [21].
  • Blackbody infrared radiative dissociation of the protonated B(5) ions of Stx2 at the +12 and +13 charge states proceeds, at reaction temperatures of 120 to 180 degrees C, predominantly by the ejection of a single subunit from the complex [22].
  • Exposure to Stx1 and Stx2, 100 ng/ml, reduced cell viability to approximately 25% of control values after 24 h and 20 microM curcumin restored viability to nearly 75% of control [23].
  • Cells were stimulated by Stx1 or Stx2 (5 ng/ml) with or without CV6209 addition (12-100 microg/ml) for various periods of time [24].

Physical interactions of STX2


Regulatory relationships of STX2

  • Apoptosis induced by Stx1 (200 ng/ml) and apoptosis induced by Stx2 (200 ng/ml) were maximal following incubation with cells for 24 h (94.3% +/- 1.8% and 81.7% +/- 5.2% of the cells, respectively) [25].
  • The protective effect of curcumin against Stx1 and Stx2-induced injury to HK-2 was not related to its antioxidant properties [23].
  • Apoptosis was not observed in A subunit-free preparations of the Stx1 B pentamer which competitively inhibited Stx2 B pentamer-mediated apoptosis [26].

Other interactions of STX2

  • Double-labeled fluorescent images revealed expression of matrix metalloproteinase 2 in re-epithelialized cells overlying epimorphin-positive early fibrotic lesions [2].
  • In comparison, the plasma membrane SNAREs syntaxin 2 and syntaxin 4 each inhibited basal exocytosis, but only syntaxin 4 significantly inhibited Ca(2+)-stimulated secretion [27].
  • It is concluded that, under the solution conditions investigated, the homopentamer of Stx2 B subunit is thermodynamically less stable than that of Stx1 B subunit [22].
  • In addition, this assay was shown to be specific, because neither Stx1 nor Stx2 bound to GM3, but both bound weakly to Gb4Cer [28].
  • Multiplex polymerase chain reaction using primers specific for stx1 and stx2 detected STEC in 18% of cow stool samples, 50% of raw beef samples, and 1.4% and 0.6% of bloody and watery stool samples, respectively, from hospitalized diarrhea patients [29].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of STX2


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