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Gene Review

UBA1  -  ubiquitin-like modifier activating enzyme 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: A1S9, A1S9T, A1ST, AMCX1, CFAP124, ...
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Disease relevance of UBE1


High impact information on UBE1


Biological context of UBE1


Anatomical context of UBE1


Associations of UBE1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of UBE1

  • A 420-kb YAC clone positive for PCTK1 also contains the gene coding for ubiquitin-activating enzyme UBE1, previously mapped in Xp11.3, indicating close physical linkage of these genes [16].
  • This was demonstrated by inhibition of CD4 degradation (i) in cells expressing a thermally inactivated form of the ubiquitin-activating enzyme E1 or (ii) following expression of a mutant form of ubiquitin (Lys48 mutated to Arg48) known to compromise ubiquitin targeting by interfering with the formation of polyubiquitin complexes [17].

Other interactions of UBE1

  • A homologue of UBE1, UBE1L, is located at 3p21 [18].
  • We had previously generated a YAC contig in this region extending from UBE1 to the OATL1 locus [19].
  • A novel gene, DXS8237E, lies within 20 kb upstream of UBE1 in Xp11.23 and has a different X inactivation status [20].
  • These data enable the expansion of the present physical map of the X chromosome from UBE1 to the GATA locus, covering a large portion of the Xp11.23 region [19].
  • For both markers the short arm breakpoints were localised between UBE1 and DXS423E [21].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of UBE1


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