Gene Review:
CHAF1B - chromatin assembly factor 1, subunit B (p60)
Homo sapiens
CAF-1, CAF-1 subunit B, CAF-I 60 kDa subunit, CAF-I p60, CAF-IP60, ...
- Reduction of chromatin assembly factor 1 p60 and C21orf2 protein, encoded on chromosome 21, in Down syndrome brain. Shim, K.S., Bergelson, J.M., Furuse, M., Ovod, V., Krude, T., Lubec, G. J. Neural Transm. Suppl. (2003)
- Secretion of biologically active human epidermal growth factor from Escherichia coli using Yersinia pestis Caf1 signal peptide. Liu, Y.L., Huang, L.M., Lin, W.P., Tsai, C.C., Lin, T.S., Hu, Y.H., Chen, H.S., Han, J.M., Wang, H.J., Liu, Y.T. Journal of microbiology, immunology, and infection = Wei mian yu gan ran za zhi. (2006)
- The gene encoding the p60 subunit of chromatin assembly factor I (CAF1P60) maps to human chromosome 21q22.2, a region associated with some of the major features of Down syndrome. Katsanis, N., Fisher, E.M. Hum. Genet. (1996)
- Human carbon catabolite repressor protein (CCR4)-associative factor 1: cloning, expression and characterization of its interaction with the B-cell translocation protein BTG1. Bogdan, J.A., Adams-Burton, C., Pedicord, D.L., Sukovich, D.A., Benfield, P.A., Corjay, M.H., Stoltenborg, J.K., Dicker, I.B. Biochem. J. (1998)
- Nucleosome assembly by a complex of CAF-1 and acetylated histones H3/H4. Verreault, A., Kaufman, P.D., Kobayashi, R., Stillman, B. Cell (1996)
- Dimerization of the largest subunit of chromatin assembly factor 1: importance in vitro and during Xenopus early development. Quivy, J.P., Grandi, P., Almouzni, G. EMBO J. (2001)
- Duplication and maintenance of heterochromatin domains. Taddei, A., Roche, D., Sibarita, J.B., Turner, B.M., Almouzni, G. J. Cell Biol. (1999)
- Recruitment of phosphorylated chromatin assembly factor 1 to chromatin after UV irradiation of human cells. Martini, E., Roche, D.M., Marheineke, K., Verreault, A., Almouzni, G. J. Cell Biol. (1998)
- Protection against bubonic and pneumonic plague with a single dose microencapsulated sub-unit vaccine. Elvin, S.J., Eyles, J.E., Howard, K.A., Ravichandran, E., Somavarappu, S., Alpar, H.O., Williamson, E.D. Vaccine (2006)
- Requirement of Cyclin/Cdk2 and protein phosphatase 1 activity for chromatin assembly factor 1-dependent chromatin assembly during DNA synthesis. Keller, C., Krude, T. J. Biol. Chem. (2000)
- Structure of a human ASF1a-HIRA complex and insights into specificity of histone chaperone complex assembly. Tang, Y., Poustovoitov, M.V., Zhao, K., Garfinkel, M., Canutescu, A., Dunbrack, R., Adams, P.D., Marmorstein, R. Nat. Struct. Mol. Biol. (2006)
- Silencing of chromatin assembly factor 1 in human cells leads to cell death and loss of chromatin assembly during DNA synthesis. Nabatiyan, A., Krude, T. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2004)
- Nucleosome assembly activity and intracellular localization of human CAF-1 changes during the cell division cycle. Marheineke, K., Krude, T. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Identification of novel M phase phosphoproteins by expression cloning. Matsumoto-Taniura, N., Pirollet, F., Monroe, R., Gerace, L., Westendorf, J.M. Mol. Biol. Cell (1996)
- Chromatin assembly factor 1 is essential and couples chromatin assembly to DNA replication in vivo. Hoek, M., Stillman, B. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2003)
- Structural and functional similarity between Yersinia pestis capsular protein Caf1 and human interleukin-1 beta. Abramov, V.M., Vasiliev, A.M., Vasilenko, R.N., Kulikova, N.L., Kosarev, I.V., Khlebnikov, V.S., Ishchenko, A.T., MacIntyre, S., Gillespie, J.R., Khurana, R., Korpela, T., Fink, A.L., Uversky, V.N. Biochemistry (2001)
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- Identification of four families of yCCR4- and Mg2+-dependent endonuclease-related proteins in higher eukaryotes, and characterization of orthologs of yCCR4 with a conserved leucine-rich repeat essential for hCAF1/hPOP2 binding. Dupressoir, A., Morel, A.P., Barbot, W., Loireau, M.P., Corbo, L., Heidmann, T. BMC Genomics (2001)
- Ccr4 contributes to tolerance of replication stress through control of CRT1 mRNA poly(A) tail length. Woolstencroft, R.N., Beilharz, T.H., Cook, M.A., Preiss, T., Durocher, D., Tyers, M. J. Cell. Sci. (2006)
- Reduction of nucleosome assembly during new DNA synthesis impairs both major pathways of double-strand break repair. Lewis, L.K., Karthikeyan, G., Cassiano, J., Resnick, M.A. Nucleic Acids Res. (2005)
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