MeSH Review:
- Ceramide accumulation uncovers a cycling pathway for the cis-Golgi network marker, infectious bronchitis virus M protein. Maceyka, M., Machamer, C.E. J. Cell Biol. (1997)
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) infection inhibition using spike protein heptad repeat-derived peptides. Bosch, B.J., Martina, B.E., Van Der Zee, R., Lepault, J., Haijema, B.J., Versluis, C., Heck, A.J., De Groot, R., Osterhaus, A.D., Rottier, P.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Characterization of severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) spike glycoprotein-mediated viral entry. Simmons, G., Reeves, J.D., Rennekamp, A.J., Amberg, S.M., Piefer, A.J., Bates, P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2004)
- Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 3C-like proteinase N terminus is indispensable for proteolytic activity but not for enzyme dimerization. Biochemical and thermodynamic investigation in conjunction with molecular dynamics simulations. Chen, S., Chen, L., Tan, J., Chen, J., Du, L., Sun, T., Shen, J., Chen, K., Jiang, H., Shen, X. J. Biol. Chem. (2005)
- Inhibition of interferon-gamma signaling in oligodendroglia delays coronavirus clearance without altering demyelination. González, J.M., Bergmann, C.C., Ramakrishna, C., Hinton, D.R., Atkinson, R., Hoskin, J., Macklin, W.B., Stohlman, S.A. Am. J. Pathol. (2006)
- CXC chemokine ligand 10 controls viral infection in the central nervous system: evidence for a role in innate immune response through recruitment and activation of natural killer cells. Trifilo, M.J., Montalto-Morrison, C., Stiles, L.N., Hurst, K.R., Hardison, J.L., Manning, J.E., Masters, P.S., Lane, T.E. J. Virol. (2004)
- Human aminopeptidase N is a receptor for human coronavirus 229E. Yeager, C.L., Ashmun, R.A., Williams, R.K., Cardellichio, C.B., Shapiro, L.H., Look, A.T., Holmes, K.V. Nature (1992)
- Aminopeptidase N is a major receptor for the entero-pathogenic coronavirus TGEV. Delmas, B., Gelfi, J., L'Haridon, R., Vogel, L.K., Sjöström, H., Norén, O., Laude, H. Nature (1992)
- Sequence and topology of a model intracellular membrane protein, E1 glycoprotein, from a coronavirus. Armstrong, J., Niemann, H., Smeekens, S., Rottier, P., Warren, G. Nature (1984)
- Effect of olfactory bulb ablation on spread of a neurotropic coronavirus into the mouse brain. Perlman, S., Evans, G., Afifi, A. J. Exp. Med. (1990)
- Crystal structure of murine sCEACAM1a[1,4]: a coronavirus receptor in the CEA family. Tan, K., Zelus, B.D., Meijers, R., Liu, J.H., Bergelson, J.M., Duke, N., Zhang, R., Joachimiak, A., Holmes, K.V., Wang, J.H. EMBO J. (2002)
- The v-sis oncoprotein loses transforming activity when targeted to the early Golgi complex. Hart, K.C., Xu, Y.F., Meyer, A.N., Lee, B.A., Donoghue, D.J. J. Cell Biol. (1994)
- Post-translational glycosylation of coronavirus glycoprotein E1: inhibition by monensin. Niemann, H., Boschek, B., Evans, D., Rosing, M., Tamura, T., Klenk, H.D. EMBO J. (1982)
- A highly efficient, cell-free translation/translocation system prepared from Xenopus eggs. Matthews, G., Colman, A. Nucleic Acids Res. (1991)
- Palmitoylations on murine coronavirus spike proteins are essential for virion assembly and infectivity. Thorp, E.B., Boscarino, J.A., Logan, H.L., Goletz, J.T., Gallagher, T.M. J. Virol. (2006)
- Identification and characterization of a serine-like proteinase of the murine coronavirus MHV-A59. Lu, Y., Lu, X., Denison, M.R. J. Virol. (1995)
- Evaluation of the role of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 as a host factor in murine coronavirus discontinuous transcription and genome replication. Shen, X., Masters, P.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2001)
- Neither the RNA nor the proteins of open reading frames 3a and 3b of the coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus are essential for replication. Hodgson, T., Britton, P., Cavanagh, D. J. Virol. (2006)
- Conformational changes in the spike glycoprotein of murine coronavirus are induced at 37 degrees C either by soluble murine CEACAM1 receptors or by pH 8. Zelus, B.D., Schickli, J.H., Blau, D.M., Weiss, S.R., Holmes, K.V. J. Virol. (2003)
- Amino acid substitutions within the leucine zipper domain of the murine coronavirus spike protein cause defects in oligomerization and the ability to induce cell-to-cell fusion. Luo, Z., Matthews, A.M., Weiss, S.R. J. Virol. (1999)
- CD8+ T-cell epitopes within the surface glycoprotein of a neurotropic coronavirus and correlation with pathogenicity. Castro, R.F., Perlman, S. J. Virol. (1995)
- A Golgi retention signal in a membrane-spanning domain of coronavirus E1 protein. Swift, A.M., Machamer, C.E. J. Cell Biol. (1991)
- Myelin basic protein and human coronavirus 229E cross-reactive T cells in multiple sclerosis. Talbot, P.J., Paquette, J.S., Ciurli, C., Antel, J.P., Ouellet, F. Ann. Neurol. (1996)
- Signal recognition particle-dependent insertion of coronavirus E1, an intracellular membrane glycoprotein. Rottier, P., Armstrong, J., Meyer, D.I. J. Biol. Chem. (1985)
- Induction of glial cell MHC antigen expression in neurotropic coronavirus infections. Characterization of the H-2-inducing soluble factor elaborated by infected brain cells. Suzumura, A., Lavi, E., Bhat, S., Murasko, D., Weiss, S.R., Silberberg, D.H. J. Immunol. (1988)
- Transmissible gastroenteritis coronavirus, but not the related porcine respiratory coronavirus, has a sialic acid (N-glycolylneuraminic acid) binding activity. Schultze, B., Krempl, C., Ballesteros, M.L., Shaw, L., Schauer, R., Enjuanes, L., Herrler, G. J. Virol. (1996)
- Efficient replication of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus in mouse cells is limited by murine angiotensin-converting enzyme 2. Li, W., Greenough, T.C., Moore, M.J., Vasilieva, N., Somasundaran, M., Sullivan, J.L., Farzan, M., Choe, H. J. Virol. (2004)
- Human carcinoembryonic antigen and biliary glycoprotein can serve as mouse hepatitis virus receptors. Chen, D.S., Asanaka, M., Chen, F.S., Shively, J.E., Lai, M.M. J. Virol. (1997)
- Identification of the murine coronavirus MP1 cleavage site recognized by papain-like proteinase 2. Kanjanahaluethai, A., Jukneliene, D., Baker, S.C. J. Virol. (2003)
- Viral expression of CCL2 is sufficient to induce demyelination in RAG1-/- mice infected with a neurotropic coronavirus. Kim, T.S., Perlman, S. J. Virol. (2005)
- Resolution of primary severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus infection requires Stat1. Hogan, R.J., Gao, G., Rowe, T., Bell, P., Flieder, D., Paragas, J., Kobinger, G.P., Wivel, N.A., Crystal, R.G., Boyer, J., Feldmann, H., Voss, T.G., Wilson, J.M. J. Virol. (2004)
- Detection of coronavirus RNA and antigen in multiple sclerosis brain. Murray, R.S., Brown, B., Brian, D., Cabirac, G.F. Ann. Neurol. (1992)
- Coronavirus isolates SK and SD from multiple sclerosis patients are serologically related to murine coronaviruses A59 and JHM and human coronavirus OC43, but not to human coronavirus 229E. Gerdes, J.C., Klein, I., DeVald, B.L., Burks, J.S. J. Virol. (1981)
- Two antigenic groups of human coronaviruses detected by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Macnaughton, M.R., Madge, M.H., Reed, S.E. Infect. Immun. (1981)
- Sequence analysis of the turkey enteric coronavirus nucleocapsid and membrane protein genes: a close genomic relationship with bovine coronavirus. Verbeek, A., Tijssen, P. J. Gen. Virol. (1991)
- Immunofluorescence assay for detection of the nucleocapsid antigen of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus in cells derived from throat wash samples of patients with SARS. Liu, I.J., Chen, P.J., Yeh, S.H., Chiang, Y.P., Huang, L.M., Chang, M.F., Chen, S.Y., Yang, P.C., Chang, S.C., Wang, W.K. J. Clin. Microbiol. (2005)