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Gene Review

PLP1  -  proteolipid protein 1

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: GPM6C, HLD1, Lipophilin, MMPL, Myelin proteolipid protein, ...
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Disease relevance of PLP1


Psychiatry related information on PLP1

  • This report extends the phenotypic range of disease due to PLP gene mutations to include adult-onset dementia in females [6].
  • We found robust activations in cortical motor areas [areas 4a, 4p, 6; dorsal premotor cortex (PMD) and bilateral supplementary motor area (SMA)] and ipsilateral cerebellum during kinesthetic illusions (illusion-vibration) [7].
  • These studies have focused primarily on schizophrenia, and less so on the affective psychoses, including psychotic major depression PMD [8].
  • We tested whether periodic maternal deprivation (180 min daily on postnatal days 3-10, PMD) caused chronic changes in emotional behavior and HPA axis activity in either male or female adult rats, or both [9].
  • We have proposed a three-class hierarchical specificity model for sub-typing the depressive disorders (comprising psychotic, melancholic and non-melancholic depression), with specificity referring to two clinical features (psychotic symptoms and psychomotor disturbance or PMD) separating the first two classes from a residual non-melancholic class [10].

High impact information on PLP1


Chemical compound and disease context of PLP1


Biological context of PLP1


Anatomical context of PLP1


Associations of PLP1 with chemical compounds

  • These data demonstrate that expression of PLP1 but not DMSO is necessary to prevent neuropathy, and suggest that the 35 amino acid PLP1-specific domain plays an important role in normal peripheral nerve function [3].
  • When myelin or white matter was extracted with chloroform/methanol, it contained, in addition to PLP, a significant amount of plasmolipin [23].
  • Lipid analysis revealed that the PLP-MBP-S-MAG coimmunoprecipitated with some phospholipids and sulfatide but not cholesterol or galactosylceramide [24].
  • The PLP gene in one of two affected males and the carrier mother of this family exhibited a single base difference in the more than 2 kb of the PLP gene sequenced, a C----T transition that would create a serine substitution for proline at the carboxy end of the protein [25].
  • A single T----C transition results in the substitution of a charged amino acid residue, arginine, for tryptophan in one of the four extremely hydrophobic domains of the PLP protein [26].

Physical interactions of PLP1


Regulatory relationships of PLP1

  • Thus, one means whereby zinc stabilises association of MBP with brain myelin membranes may be by promoting its binding to PLP [28].
  • We also found that glucocorticoids stimulate the translation of MBP and PLP mRNAs and inhibit the translation of CNP mRNA in cell-free systems [29].
  • Collectively, these results indicate that myelin proteolipid protein peptide-specific CD8+ CTL may be an important source of proinflammatory soluble mediators that could promote and mediate the inflammatory response in MS demyelination [30].

Other interactions of PLP1

  • An immunohistochemical study, which can detect the specific expression of PLP, myelin basic protein, myelin-associated glycoprotein, and platelet-derived growth factor receptor alpha subunit in brain tissues, showed that the myelination was almost the same as that of age-matched controls [31].
  • PLP and MAG were detected rostrally between 12 to 14 GW [32].
  • The replicase polyprotein of murine coronavirus is extensively processed by three proteinases, two papain-like proteinases (PLPs), termed PLP1 and PLP2, and a picornavirus 3C-like proteinase (3CLpro) [33].
  • The differential expression seen by microarray for CART as well as MBP, MOBP, and PLP was verified by RT-PCR [34].
  • We found that there was higher frequency of increased T-cell reactivity to immunodominant PLP peptides in women than in men, particularly in non-MS individuals [35].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PLP1


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