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Anemia, Hypochromic

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Disease relevance of Anemia, Hypochromic


High impact information on Anemia, Hypochromic

  • Tentoxin is a naturally occurring phytotoxic peptide that causes seedling chlorosis and arrests growth in sensitive plants and algae [6].
  • In order to evaluate the role of HCR in the pathogenesis of hypochromic anemias, HCR was isolated and partially purified from intact rabbit reticulocytes incubated in vitro with either 0.1 mM alpha,alpha-dipyridyl (an iron-chelating agent) or 0.1 M ethanol [7].
  • AtSufE overexpression induces AtSufS and AtNifS1 expression, which in turn leads to elevated cysteine desulfurization activity, chlorosis and retarded development [8].
  • Plants inoculated with the KEE146 mutant, which retains 16% pRBR binding activity, only developed chlorosis along the veins, and viral DNA, AL1 protein and the host DNA synthesis factor, proliferating cell nuclear antigen, were localized to vascular tissue [9].
  • The T-DNA-tagged mutant paleface1 (pfc1) grows normally at 22 degrees C but at 5 degrees C exhibits a pattern of chilling-induced chlorosis consistent with a disruption of chloroplast development [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Anemia, Hypochromic

  • Recent clinical trials evaluating gallium nitrate as a chemotherapeutic agent have reported the development of microcytic hypochromic anemia in patients treated with this agent [11].
  • Hypocupremia-related hypochromic anemia during D-penicillamine treatment [12].
  • It has been hypothesized that nitrate (NO(3)(-)) nutrition might induce iron (Fe) deficiency chlorosis by inactivation of Fe in the leaf apoplast (H.U. Kosegarten, B. Hoffmann, K. Mengel [1999] Plant Physiol 121: 1069-1079) [13].
  • Preventing SA accumulation by expression of the nahG gene reduced subsequent ethylene production and altered the development of disease symptoms, with plants showing no visible chlorosis [14].
  • NO scavengers 2-(4-carboxy-phenyl)-4,4,5,5-tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide and methylene blue promoted interveinal chlorosis in iron-replete maize plants (growing in 250 microM Fe-EDTA) [15].

Biological context of Anemia, Hypochromic


Gene context of Anemia, Hypochromic

  • Mutations in the murine hephaestin gene (sla) produce microcytic, hypochromic anemia that is refractory to oral iron therapy [21].
  • Thus, Cp(-/-) have mild microcytic, hypochromic anemia consistent with normal red cell formation but defective iron availability [22].
  • Plants that accumulate the Pab1p display a range of abnormalities, ranging from a characteristic chlorosis in leaves to a necrosis and large inhibition of growth [23].
  • The nblA family of genes encodes for small proteins necessary for the ordered degradation of phycobilisomes under certain stress conditions, a process known as chlorosis [24].
  • The replicase back mutant (ToMV-K(rase)) produced chlorosis and mosaic symptoms on N. tabacum cv. Huangmiaoyu (systemic host), while the MP recovery mutant (ToMV-K(mp)) produced no systemic symptoms on Huangmiaoyu tobacco [25].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Anemia, Hypochromic


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