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Gene Review

KRT7  -  keratin 7, type II

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CK-7, CK7, Cytokeratin-7, K2C7, K7, ...
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Disease relevance of KRT7


Psychiatry related information on KRT7

  • A low correlation (r = .17) was found between the SCL-90 and the SCL analogue, a matched psychopathology instrument rated by clinicians [6].
  • We have designed a chimeric gene, Id-SCL, in which the 3' helix-loop-helix encoding portion of the presumptive oncogene SCL/tal is joined to the 5' coding portion of Id, an inhibitory helix-loop-helix gene [7].
  • Both FIR and delta SCL were greater to a conditioned stimulus paired with shock than one paired with an innocuous reaction-time warning tone [8].
  • Group I also differed from Group II in a higher incidence of meaningful life-events the year preceding the study, higher prevalence of sexual dysfunction (9/13 vs. 4/13; p < .01) and higher indexes (p < .05) of several parameters in the MMPI and SCL 90 [9].
  • METHODS: A population of subjects experiencing panic disorder with agoraphobia is evaluated with the French version of the factor structure of the Symptom Checklist 90 R (SCL 90 R) [10].

High impact information on KRT7

  • A fusion complementary DNA in the T cell line HSB-2 elucidates a provocative mechanism for the disruption of the putative hematopoietic transcription factor SCL [11].
  • Similar to 1;14 translocations, this deletion disrupts the SCL 5' regulatory region [11].
  • Using a variety of experimental strategies, genes such as SCL, GATA-2, HoxB4, Flk-2, c-mpl, dlk, and others have been implicated as important regulators of stem cell growth [12].
  • In comparison, full-length SCL proteins are more efficient at enhancing the megakaryocyte lineage [13].
  • A conserved small upstream open reading frame (uORF) in SCL transcripts acts as a cis-regulatory element for isoform expression [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of KRT7

  • Immunohistochemical staining for CK7 and CK20 was performed on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues containing primary cancers and lymph node metastases [14].
  • In both cylindromas and spiradenomas, zonal staining patterns were apparent: modified myoepithelial cells were positive for smooth-muscle-type actin, while the luminal cells mainly expressed ductal markers (CK 6 and CK 19) and, less prominently, secretory-coil markers including CK 7 [15].
  • Biotinylated sarcolectin, neoglycoproteins with lactose or N-acetylglucosamine residues, and polyacrylamide-attached trisaccharides, that represent the ABH histo-blood group antigens, were applied to sections of 187 primary lung carcinomas [16].
  • During the pretreatment period, body weight and plasma tryptophan levels were measured and the Beck Depression Inventory, SCL 90 rating, and Profile-of-Mood State (POMS) were used to assess mood [17].
  • RESULTS: The cholesteatomas that exhibited the highest proportion of apoptotic cells were those which exhibited the highest level of sarcolectin-binding sites (i.e., sialic acids) [18].

Biological context of KRT7

  • Southern Blot analysis indicated that this sequence is represented only once in the human genome, and Northern Blot analysis demonstrated that the gene encoding K7 is expressed in abundance in cultured bronchial and mesothelial cells, but only weakly in cultured epidermal cells and not at all in liver, colon, or exocervical tissue [19].
  • The extended substrate specificity profiles are in good agreement with known substrate cleavage sites but also in accord with experimentally solved (hK4, hK6, and hK7) or modeled structures [20].
  • Interestingly, CK7 and CK20 expression was associated with the mucin phenotype of gastric carcinoma, but this association had no diagnostic value [21].
  • In this study, we evaluated the immunohistochemical expression of TTF-1, CK 7, and CK 20 in 67 BACs (48 nonmucinous, 12 mucinous, and 7 of mixed histology) [22].
  • In addition, we have sublocalized the genes for K6a and K7 to bands 12q12----q14 on the long arm of this chromosome by in situ hybridization of metaphase chromosomes [23].

Anatomical context of KRT7

  • Isolation, sequence, and differential expression of a human K7 gene in simple epithelial cells [24].
  • Interestingly, adenomatous epithelium associated with small intestinal adenocarcinomas identified in 18 cases also exhibited CK7 positivity with a sharp transition from CK7-negative normal-appearing epithelium [25].
  • An awareness of the CK7 reactivity of Toker cells and Merkel cells as well as attention to the cytologic features of the case should avoid this problem [26].
  • By using CK7 as a marker, however, we were able to identify Toker cells in most of the nipples we studied: 8 of 15 nipples from mastectomy patients without Paget's disease, and 15 of 18 autopsy cases (both male and female) with normal breasts and nipples [26].
  • Expression of CK 7 was seen in the majority of cases of carcinoma, with the exception of those carcinomas arising from the colon, prostate, kidney, and thymus; carcinoid tumors of the lung and gastrointestinal tract origin; and Merkel cell tumor of the skin [27].

Associations of KRT7 with chemical compounds

  • When tested on cell lines, RT-PCR was particularly efficient for evaluation of CK19, CK7 and MUC1 mRNA expression [28].
  • The major source of disagreement related to the interpretation of weak or variable CK7 staining of deep intestinalized mucosa in BE biopsies that were fixed in Hollande, but not those that were fixed in formalin [29].
  • All of the ovarian papillary serous tumors expressed CA125, estrogen receptors, and cytokeratin 7 [30].
  • hK5 and hK7, two serine proteinases abundant in human skin, are inhibited by LEKTI domain 6 [31].
  • RESULTS: The luminal columnar cells of the tumour were mostly positive for CK7 and more than 70% were positive for CK19 [32].

Co-localisations of KRT7


Regulatory relationships of KRT7


Other interactions of KRT7

  • Although the CK7/CK20 immunoprofile is a valuable diagnostic marker for differentiating primary lung adenocarcinoma from metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma, caution should be exercised when dealing with mucinous BAC [36].
  • The pattern of staining was nearly identical to that of the rete ovarii and differed somewhat from mesonephric remnants, which were diffusely immunoreactive for CK7, immunopositive for EMA (apical staining), and nonreactive for inhibin [37].
  • In the almost universally cytokeratin 7-negative metastases of lower gastrointestinal tract origin, coordinate expression of CDX2 (83%) and cytokeratin 20 (86%) were equivalent (P=1.00) [3].
  • To compare the selectivity of AQP-1 and CK7 as possible markers for differentiated cholangiocytes, liver biopsies of cholestatic disease were also analyzed [38].
  • CK immunocytochemistry utilizing resin techniques provided excellent staining of CK 7 and 8 in the inner layer, with positive staining of CK 5 and 10 in the outer layer [39].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of KRT7


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