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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Enterolactone     (3S,4R)-3,4-bis[(3- hydroxyphenyl)methyl]ox...

Synonyms: CCRIS 3048, SureCN11306724, KST-1A8429, AC1L3FVQ, AC1Q6MJE, ...
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Disease relevance of Enterolactone

  • INTERPRETATION: There is a substantial reduction in breast-cancer risk among women with a high intake (as measured by excretion) of phyto-oestrogens-particularly the isoflavonic phyto-oestrogen equol and the lignan enterolactone [1].
  • Risk of cardiovascular disease-related and all-cause death according to serum concentrations of enterolactone: Kuopio Ischaemic Heart Disease Risk Factor Study [2].
  • In women, the serum enterolactone concentration was positively and independently associated with consumption of vegetables, subject age, and constipation and was negatively associated with smoking [3].
  • Furthermore, female subjects of normal weight had significantly higher serum enterolactone concentrations than did their underweight or obese peers [3].
  • No support for the hypothesis that high circulating enterolactone is protective against prostate cancer was found [4].

Psychiatry related information on Enterolactone


High impact information on Enterolactone


Chemical compound and disease context of Enterolactone


Biological context of Enterolactone


Anatomical context of Enterolactone

  • Rye bread in the diet of pigs enhances the formation of enterolactone and increases its levels in plasma, urine and feces [14].
  • These results suggest that lignins, embedded in the cell wall and retained in the bran during solvent extraction, account for 26-32% of the ENL formed from cereal brans [17].
  • In two series of experiments we quantified the uptake from the gut of enterolactone in four pigs fitted with catheters in the portal vein and mesenteric artery and with an ultrasonic flow probe attached to the portal vein to monitor the blood flow [14].
  • Genistein alone and in combination with the mammalian lignans enterolactone and enterodiol induce estrogenic effects on bone and uterus in a postmenopausal breast cancer mouse model [18].
  • When compared to Min females, Min males in the flaxseed group had several fold higher ENL levels in the small intestine (Min males 125 +/- 124.5 nmol/g vs. females 22.8 +/- 16.0 nmol/g, P = 0.048) and caecum (47.6 +/- 31.6 nmol/g vs. females 14.5 +/- 6.6 nmol/g, P = 0.001) [19].

Associations of Enterolactone with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Enterolactone


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Enterolactone


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