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Chemical Compound Review

Fluohydric Acid     fluorane

Synonyms: Rubigine, fluorum, Fluorowodor, Hydrofluoride, Fluorwaterstof, ...
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Disease relevance of hydrogen fluoride


Psychiatry related information on hydrogen fluoride


High impact information on hydrogen fluoride

  • Deglycosylation of extracellular and intracellular prothrombin with hydrofluoric acid (HF) resulted in a decrease in mol wt for both species to 66 kd [7].
  • A chemiluminescence-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to measure the kinetics of the WaaP sugar kinase activity, and the results showed that the K(m) was 0.22 mm for ATP and 14.4 microm for hydrofluoric acid-treated LPS, V(max) was 408.24 pmol min(-1), and k(cat) was 27.23 min(-1) [8].
  • This analysis, which required removal of the GPI anchors by aqueous hydrofluoric acid treatment and cleavage at aspartate-proline bonds by mild acid hydrolysis, provided precise information about the glycosylation state and the number of Glu-Pro repeats in these proteins [9].
  • The [3H]myo-inositol-labeled abnormal lipids were isolated and characterized using hydrofluoric acid dephosphorylation, nitrous acid deamination, acetolysis, and exoglycosidase treatments alone or in combination [10].
  • This 161-Da moiety could be removed from the lipid A by treatment with aqueous hydrofluoric acid and was identified as galactosamine following peracetylation and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of hydrogen fluoride


Biological context of hydrogen fluoride


Anatomical context of hydrogen fluoride


Associations of hydrogen fluoride with other chemical compounds


Gene context of hydrogen fluoride

  • The beta-1,6-glucan moiety could be removed from Cwp1p and other cell wall proteins by cleaving phosphodiester bridges either enzymatically using phosphodiesterases or chemically using ice-cold aqueous hydrofluoric acid [29].
  • The concentration of hydrofluoric acid (HF) was optimized to obtain an optically flat surface which was evaluated by AFM, SEM and dark-field microscopy [30].
  • The anionic species were successively neutralized by neuraminidase (29%), aq. hydrofluoric acid (30%), and methanolysis (26%), indicating that approximately equal portions were sensitive to desialylation, dephosphorylation and desulfation, respectively [31].
  • However, if these LPS were dephosphorylated with aqueous hydrofluoric acid (HF) their KDO response in this assay was increased 5.4- to 2.6-fold, respectively [32].
  • Peri- and subungual burns caused by hydrofluoric acid [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of hydrogen fluoride


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