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Chemical Compound Review

Acetest     disodiumhydroxy-dioxido-oxo- phosphorane

Synonyms: Soda phosphate, CHEMBL1060, HSDB 376, CCRIS 5931, AG-B-62883, ...
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Disease relevance of secondary Sodium phosphate


High impact information on secondary Sodium phosphate


Chemical compound and disease context of secondary Sodium phosphate


Biological context of secondary Sodium phosphate


Anatomical context of secondary Sodium phosphate


Associations of secondary Sodium phosphate with other chemical compounds


Gene context of secondary Sodium phosphate

  • The average extraction efficiencies were 87% for I, 90% for II and 90% for the I.S. Chromatography was performed using a TSK gel ODS-80Ts column, monitored at 556 nm (excitation wavelength, 380 nm) and the mobile phase was acetonitrile-50 mM disodium hydrogen phosphate (28:72) containing 5 mM heptanesulphonate (pH 3.0) [25].
  • The baseline separation of the two analytes were obtained on the condition that the buffer contained 15 mmol/l disodium hydrogen phosphate, 15 mmol/l disodium tetreborate, 10 mmol/l SDS and 5% (v/v) alcohol [26].
  • The separation was carried out in reversed-phase conditions using a Chromolith Performance (RP-18e, 100 x 4.6 mm) column with an isocratic mobile phase consisting of 0.01 mol/l disodium hydrogen phosphate buffer-acetonitrile (73:27 v/v) adjusted to pH 7 [27].
  • Addition of up to 0.7% disodium orthophosphate (DSP) did not significantly influence turbidity, buffering curves, or amount of casein-bound Ca and P(i) [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of secondary Sodium phosphate


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