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Chemical Compound Review

Parapres     1- cyclohexyloxycarbonyloxyethyl 2-ethoxy-3...

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Disease relevance of Candesartan cilexetil


High impact information on Candesartan cilexetil

  • Tumor growth was also reduced in WT mice treated with TCV-116, a selective blocker of AT1 receptor [4].
  • TCV-116 (10, a selective nonpeptide AT1 receptor antagonist, or vehicle was administered orally to rats from 1 day before to 14 days after balloon injury [5].
  • Immunohistological studies indicated that TCV-116 decreased not only the intimal thickening but also the amount of these extracellular matrix proteins in the intima [5].
  • In the in vitro study, neonatal rat cardiomyocytes were cultured on deformable silicone dishes and mechanically stretched with or without pretreatment of CV-11974 (an active metabolite of TCV-116), and [3H]phenylalanine incorporation, activity of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase, and c-fos mRNA expression were analyzed [1].
  • Further evaluation of the effect of TCV-116 revealed that SHR treated with a low dose of TCV-116 (1 mg/kg per day) showed a decrease in left ventricular mass with only a little decrease in blood pressure and that the incidence of VT/Vf was reduced in association with the degree of regression of LVH [6].

Chemical compound and disease context of Candesartan cilexetil


Biological context of Candesartan cilexetil


Anatomical context of Candesartan cilexetil


Associations of Candesartan cilexetil with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Candesartan cilexetil


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Candesartan cilexetil


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