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Chemical Compound Review

AC1NSKGQ     (3S)-9-[(4-dimethylamino-3- methyl...

Synonyms: CHEMBL321820, SureCN668525, CHEBI:61014, QC-5343, PD-123319, ...
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Disease relevance of PD123319

  • Treatment with an AT1-R antagonist, TCV116, for 20 weeks inhibited progression of interstitial fibrosis by 28%, whereas with 44-week PD123319 treatment but not 20-week treatment, the extent of the fibrous region was increased significantly, by 29% [1].
  • Conversely, the AT2 receptor antagonist PD123319 had no effect on Ang II-induced hypertrophy [2].
  • VEGF and VEGF-R2 mRNA were increased in ROP and localized to blood vessels, ganglion cells, and the inner nuclear layer, and were decreased by PD123319 [3].
  • Stimulation of the AT2 receptor in these VSMC-AT2 cells resulted in a significant (1.3-fold) increase in proteoglycan synthesis, which was abolished by the AT2 receptor antagonist, PD123319, and attenuated by pretreatment with pertussis toxin [4].
  • Increased proteinuria in STNx rats was reduced by PD123319 but to a lesser degree when compared with valsartan [5].

Psychiatry related information on PD123319


High impact information on PD123319

  • This dilation was completely abolished by pretreatment with an AT2 receptor antagonist PD123319 (10(-7) M, n = 6), suggesting that activation of AT2 receptor causes vasodilation in Af-Arts [8].
  • Angiotensin II caused concentration-dependent contractions in vitro, which were inhibited by the AT(1) receptor antagonist losartan but not by the Angiotensin II type 2 receptor antagonist PD123319 [9].
  • In the knockout mice ARBs led to significantly less cortical COX-2 elevation, which was not attenuated by PD123319 [10].
  • Ang II did not affect DNA synthesis but stimulated [3H]proline incorporation in cardiac fibroblasts (20.0+/-4.0% increase above control by 10 micromol/L; P<0.05, n=7), which was abolished by losartan 10 micromol/L but not PD123319 1 micromol/L [11].
  • Using the cardiac fibroblasts expressing AT2-R, we found that Ang II stimulated net collagenous protein production by 48% and pretreatment with an AT2-R antagonist, PD123319, evoked a further elevation (83%) [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of PD123319


Biological context of PD123319


Anatomical context of PD123319


Associations of PD123319 with other chemical compounds

  • One to two days after surgery to implant catheters and nerve electrodes, baroreflex curves were produced before and 40 minutes after intravenous administration of the AT1 antagonist losartan (10 mg/kg) or the AT2 antagonist PD123319 (500 micrograms/kg + 50 [26].
  • We found that ramipril and the AT(1) receptor blocker losartan increased COX-2 mRNA and COX-2 immunoreactivity in the macula densa approximately 4-fold, whereas the AT(2) blocker PD123319 showed no effect [27].
  • Animals were treated with AT(1) (candesartan) and/or AT(2) (PD123319) receptor antagonists, a calcium channel blocker, or vehicle (treatment periods: day -7 before to week 24 after transplantation (long term), week 12 to week 24 (late), day -7 to day +5 (early)) and observed the animals for 24 weeks [28].
  • Affinity purification in the presence of the peptide and nonpeptide AT2-receptor antagonists CGP42112A and PD123319 also resulted in elution of the same 66-kDa protein, but unlike that in the presence of Sar1,Ile8-AngII, some of the high molecular weight site was observed as well [29].
  • Vasodilatory responses to Ang II (10-10 mol/l) were performed in norepinephrine pre-contracted vessels +/- valsartan(10 mol/l), PD123319 (10 mol/l, an AT2R antagonist) or fasudil (10 mol/l) [30].

Gene context of PD123319


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PD123319


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