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Chemical Compound Review

Perstarium     (2S,3aS,7aS)-1-[(2R)-2- [[(1S)-1...

Synonyms: Pirindopril, SureCN682285, McN-A 2833, LS-82762, BRN 4300272, ...
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Disease relevance of PERINDOPRIL

  • Adverse event with first-dose perindopril in congestive heart failure [1].
  • Blood pressure, forearm arterial hemodynamics (with a pulsed Doppler flowmeter), and echocardiographic parameters were studied in 16 patients with sustained essential hypertension before and 3 months after administration of the converting enzyme inhibitor perindopril [2].
  • Treatment of DS rats with the CEI perindopril (4.56 mg x kg(-1) x d(-1)) did not affect SBP (225+/-6 mm Hg) but modestly improved EDR (ED50: 6.07+/-.37; P<.05 versus hypertensive DS) as well as proteinuria and glomerular histology [3].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: Sixteen patients with ischemic heart disease were treated either with perindopril (4 mg/d PO) for up to 36 days before surgery (n = 9) or without the inhibitor as control subjects (n = 7) [4].
  • The aim of the present study was to examine the in vivo effect of candesartan (CA), a clinically used AT(1)-R blocker (ARB), and perindopril (PE), an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor (ACE-I), on pig serum-induced liver fibrosis development in rats [5].

Psychiatry related information on PERINDOPRIL


High impact information on PERINDOPRIL

  • Perindopril completely abolished the biosynthesis of PDGF-AB but had little effect on residual FGF-2 [9].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The ability of ACE inhibitors such as perindopril to attenuate neointima formation and growth in balloon catheter-injured rat carotid arteries is dependent on early events in the media, the inhibition of SMC PDGF-AB biosynthesis and attenuation of proliferation [9].
  • In the internal mammary artery, free ACE was similarly inhibited by perindopril in the endothelium (P < .05) and adventitia (P < .05), and the free ACE-to-total ACE ratio, an index of ACE inhibition, was markedly decreased by perindopril in parallel in the endothelium (P < .001) and adventitia (P < .001) [4].
  • These results indicate that perindopril effectively penetrates the vascular wall to inhibit ACE in the adventitia, thus providing evidence that perindopril may be beneficial in inhibiting both circulating Ang II and its local formation in the vascular wall [4].
  • The present study was undertaken to assess the sites and extent of in vivo inhibition of ACE by long-term perindopril treatment in different layers of the internal mammary artery in patients with ischemic heart disease [4].

Chemical compound and disease context of PERINDOPRIL


Biological context of PERINDOPRIL


Anatomical context of PERINDOPRIL


Associations of PERINDOPRIL with other chemical compounds


Gene context of PERINDOPRIL


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PERINDOPRIL


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