Chemical Compound Review:
Taurolin 4-[(1,1-dioxo-1,2,4- thiadiazinan-4...
Tauroflex, Tauroline, TAUROLIDINE, Taurolidina, Taurolidinum, ...
- The effects of taurolidine, a novel antineoplastic agent, on human malignant mesothelioma. Nici, L., Monfils, B., Calabresi, P. Clin. Cancer Res. (2004)
- Taurolidine, an antilipopolysaccharide agent, has immunoregulatory properties that are mediated by the amino acid taurine. Watson, R.W., Redmond, H.P., Mc Carthy, J., Bouchier-Hayes, D. J. Leukoc. Biol. (1995)
- Activities of taurolidine in vitro and in experimental enterococcal endocarditis. Torres-Viera, C., Thauvin-Eliopoulos, C., Souli, M., DeGirolami, P., Farris, M.G., Wennersten, C.B., Sofia, R.D., Eliopoulos, G.M. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2000)
- Nebulised taurolidine and B cepacia bronchiectasis. Ledson, M.J., Cowperthwaite, C., Walshaw, M.J., Gallagher, M.J., Williets, T., Hart, C.A. Thorax (2000)
- Taurolidine: cytotoxic and mechanistic evaluation of a novel antineoplastic agent. Calabresi, P., Goulette, F.A., Darnowski, J.W. Cancer Res. (2001)
- Influence of different gases and intraperitoneal instillation of antiadherent or cytotoxic agents on peritoneal tumor cell growth and implantation with laparoscopic surgery in a rat model. Jacobi, C.A., Wildbrett, P., Volk, T., Müller, J.M. Surgical endoscopy. (1999)
- Taurolin for the prevention of parenteral nutrition related infection: antimicrobial activity and long-term use. Johnston, D.A., Phillips, G., Perry, M., McAlpine, H., Richards, J., Pennington, C.R. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland) (1993)
- Taurolidine attenuates the hemodynamic and respiratory changes associated with endotoxemia. Egan, B.M., Bouchier-Hayes, D.J., Condron, C., Kelly, C.J., Abdih, H. Shock (2002)
- Effects of taurolidine and octreotide on port site and liver metastasis after laparoscopy in an animal model of pancreatic cancer. Wenger, F.A., Kilian, M., Braumann, C., Neumann, A., Ridders, J., Peter, F.J., Guski, H., Jacobi, C.A. Clin. Exp. Metastasis (2002)
- Effect of taurolidine on the normal eyelid and conjunctival flora. Oguz, H., Oguz, E., Karadede, S. Curr. Eye Res. (2000)
- Taurolidine: preclinical evaluation of a novel, highly selective, agent for bone marrow purging. Ribizzi, I., Darnowski, J.W., Goulette, F.A., Akhtar, M.S., Chatterjee, D., Calabresi, P. Bone Marrow Transplant. (2002)
- Effects of increasing doses of a bolus injection and an intravenous long-term therapy of taurolidine on subcutaneous (metastatic) tumor growth in rats. Braumann, C., Schoenbeck, M., Menenakos, C., Kilian, M., Jacobi, C.A. Clin. Exp. Metastasis (2005)
- The effect of taurolidine on brain tumor cells. Stendel, R., Stoltenburg-Didinger, G., Al Keikh, C.L., Wattrodt, M., Brock, M. Anticancer Res. (2002)
- Influence of intraperitoneal application of taurolidine/heparin on expression of adhesion molecules and colon cancer in rats undergoing laparoscopy. Bobrich, E., Braumann, C., Opitz, I., Menenakos, C., Kristiansen, G., Jacobi, C.A. J. Surg. Res. (2007)
- The release of endotoxin from antibiotic-treated Escherichia coli and the production of tumour necrosis factor by human monocytes. Dofferhoff, A.S., Esselink, M.T., de Vries-Hospers, H.G., van Zanten, A., Bom, V.J., Weits, J., Vellenga, E. J. Antimicrob. Chemother. (1993)
- Inhibition of peritoneal tumor cell growth and implantation in laparoscopic surgery in a rat model. Jacobi, C.A., Ordemann, J., Böhm, B., Zieren, H.U., Sabat, R., Müller, J.M. Am. J. Surg. (1997)
- In vitro activity of taurolidine, chlorophenol-camphor-menthol and chlorhexidine against oral pathogenic microorganisms. Zimmermann, M., Preac-Mursic, V. Arzneimittel-Forschung. (1992)
- Dialysis catheter-related bacteremia: treatment and prophylaxis. Allon, M. Am. J. Kidney Dis. (2004)
- Induction of reactive oxygen intermediates-dependent programmed cell death in human malignant ex vivo glioma cells and inhibition of the vascular endothelial growth factor production by taurolidine. Rodak, R., Kubota, H., Ishihara, H., Eugster, H.P., Könü, D., Möhler, H., Yonekawa, Y., Frei, K. J. Neurosurg. (2005)
- Taurolidine, an analogue of the amino acid taurine, suppresses interleukin 1 and tumor necrosis factor synthesis in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Bedrosian, I., Sofia, R.D., Wolff, S.M., Dinarello, C.A. Cytokine (1991)
- Prevention and treatment of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome: lessons learned and future prospects. Dunn, D.L. Surgical infections. (2000)
- Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor but not peritoneal lavage increases survival rate after experimental abdominal contamination and infection. Bauhofer, A., Stinner, B., Kohlert, F., Reckzeh, B., Lorenz, W., Celik, I. The British journal of surgery. (2002)
- Taurolidine peritoneal lavage as prophylaxis against infection after elective colorectal surgery. Baker, D.M., Jones, J.A., Nguyen-Van-Tam, J.S., Lloyd, J.H., Morris, D.L., Bourke, J.B., Steele, R.J., Hardcastle, J.D. The British journal of surgery. (1994)
- Taurolidine inhibits tumor cell growth in vitro and in vivo. McCourt, M., Wang, J.H., Sookhai, S., Redmond, H.P. Ann. Surg. Oncol. (2000)