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Chemical Compound Review

Circupon     3-(2-ethylamino-1-hydroxy- ethyl)phenol

Synonyms: Effortil, Phetanol, Thomasin, Etilefrin, Fetanol, ...
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Disease relevance of Etilefrine

  • Treatment of partial priapism with an intracavernous injection of etilefrine [1].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Oral etilefrine is not superior to placebo in preventing spontaneous episodes of vasovagal syncope [2].
  • METHODS AND RESULTS: In the 20 participating centers, 126 patients with recurrent vasovagal syncope (at least 3 episodes in the last 2 years) and a positive baseline head-up tilt response were randomly assigned to placebo (63 patients) or etilefrine at a dosage of 75 mg/d (63 patients) and were followed up for 1 year or until syncope recurred [2].
  • METHODS: Continuous electrocardiogram and noninvasive blood pressure were recorded in 24 patients scheduled for elective inguinal hernia repair and randomly assigned to three groups: (1) no volume loading, (2) volume loading of 15 ml/kg lactated Ringer's solution, and (3) continuous infusion of etilefrine (an ephedrine-like drug) [3].
  • After a follow-up of 1-48 months, none of the 18 people on etilefrine developed hypertension or sexual dysfunction [4].

High impact information on Etilefrine


Chemical compound and disease context of Etilefrine


Biological context of Etilefrine


Anatomical context of Etilefrine


Associations of Etilefrine with other chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Etilefrine

  • This was a randomized double-blind crossover study of etilefrine versus placebo in 30 consecutive patients with syncope and a baseline positive head-up tilt test [25].
  • The treatment consists of preventive oral administration of the alpha-adrenergic agent etilefrine, and self-administered intracavernous injection (SICI) of the same agent to reverse episodes lasting more than 1 hour [26].
  • Intraoperative characteristics in patients with postoperative DVT were tachycardia (P < 0.001), enhanced need for etilefrine (P < 0.01) and a more rapid increase in big toe temperature (P < 0.05) after induction of epidural analgesia, compared with patients without DVT [27].
  • The reflex recovery in blood pressure was complete and the pressure sometimes exceeded the resting level by up to 10 mmHg during LBNP after salbutamol, etilefrine (50 micrograms/kg only) and dextran [11].
  • The fall in systolic arterial pressure and mean arterial pressure was significantly greater in the control group than in the etilefrine group (P < 0.05) [28].


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