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Chemical Compound Review

CHEMBL344161     1,2-dichloro-4-(3,4- dichlorophenyl)benzene

Synonyms: SureCN137915, CCRIS 8592, CHEBI:1367, PCB 77, AG-F-09125, ...
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Disease relevance of PCB 77


Psychiatry related information on PCB 77

  • These results document effects of PCB 77 on maternal behavior and serve to raise questions about the importance of maternal contributions to the developmental effects of this and similar contaminants [6].

High impact information on PCB 77


Chemical compound and disease context of PCB 77


Biological context of PCB 77


Anatomical context of PCB 77


Associations of PCB 77 with other chemical compounds


Gene context of PCB 77


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of PCB 77


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