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Chemical Compound Review

HCBP     1,2,4-trichloro-5-(2,4,5...

Synonyms: CHEMBL14377, PCB153, CB-153, CCRIS 9204, AG-F-20452, ...
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Disease relevance of HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL


Psychiatry related information on HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL

  • Although the difference of AhRag between European and Inuit men could not be explained by CB-153 or p,p'-DDE levels alone, we believe that the variation of AhR serum activity reflects different pattern of POP exposure, genetics and/or life style factors [6].

High impact information on HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL


Chemical compound and disease context of HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL


Biological context of HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL


Anatomical context of HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL


Associations of HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL with other chemical compounds




Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of HEXACHLOROBIPHENYL


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