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Chemical Compound Review

TPCK     N-[(2S)-4-chloro-3-oxo-1- phenyl-butan-2...

Synonyms: Tos-Phe-CH2Cl, Lopac-T-4376, CHEMBL60718, CHEBI:9642, BSPBio_001541, ...
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Disease relevance of TPCK

  • Treatment of mouse adenocarcinoma cell line CSML-100 with both synthetic (TPCK or PDTC) or natural (I(kappaB)-alpha) NF-kappaB inhibitors caused apoptotic death [1].
  • The complete amino acid sequences of both toxins, each containing 64 amino acid residues, were determined by the automatic sequencing of reduced and S-carboxymethylated toxins and their peptides, obtained after cleavage with TPCK-treated trypsin and Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease, respectively [2].
  • STUDY DESIGN: NA cells, an oral cavity squamous cell cancer with high NF-KappaB activity, were cultured with biochemical NF-KappaB inhibitors TPCK and Calpain I inhibitor, as well as specific NF-KappaB antisense oligonucleotides [3].

High impact information on TPCK

  • Furthermore, a blockade of NF-kappaB activation by PDTC and TPCK markedly reduced the IL-1beta- or TNF-alpha-induced chemokine gene expression [4].
  • The dose-response and the time-course of the inhibitor, however, indicated that the site of action of TPCK for NF-kappa B activation and for DNA fragmentation are quite distinct [5].
  • The addition of TPCK to cells 30 minutes after TNF treatment completely inhibited the cytokine action, indicating that TPCK-sensitive proteases are not involved in the early stages of signal transduction [5].
  • Death of CSML100 cells in the presence of high concentration TPCK was not accompanied with significant changes in c-myc activity but strongly correlated with rapid decrease in p53 level [1].
  • Low doses of TPCK were harmless for CSML100 cells but sensitized them to TNF-induced apoptosis [1].

Biological context of TPCK

  • Therefore, we conclude that TNF activates two distinct TPCK-sensitive pathways, one leading to apoptosis and the other to NF-kappa B activation [5].
  • The redox-sensitive transcription factor NF-kappaB was recruited in hemin-induced upregulation of MCP-1 because two different compounds that abrogate the activation of NF-kappaB (TPCK and BAY 11-7082) completely blocked hemin-induced upregulation of MCP-1 mRNA [6].
  • The TPCK reactive site is at Cys-82 [7].
  • Thus TPCK pretreatment before buprenorphine hydrochloride administration induced apoptosis-independent cell death, presumably necrosis, in NG108-15 cells [8].
  • Esterase inhibitors SBTI and TPCK had no effect on the formation of platelet-target cell adhesion but inhibited the cytotoxicity of unstimulated platelets [9].

Anatomical context of TPCK


Associations of TPCK with other chemical compounds

  • Treatment of the supernatant with a serine protease inhibitor, N-tosyl-L-phenylala-nylchloromethyl ketone (TPCK), abolished the DNA fragmenting activity [15].
  • In the present study, we report the presence of two distinct CaaX-proteolytic activities in membrane extracts from Caenorhabditis elegans, which are sensitive to EDTA and Tos-Phe-CH(2)Cl (tosylphenylalanylchloromethane; 'TPCK') respectively [16].
  • Conversely, the tryptic-type protease inhibitor, TLCK (N-alpha-p-tosyl-lysine chloromethylketone), which structurally is very similar to TPCK, had no effect on IL2 synthesis [17].
  • The chymotrypsin inhibitors TPCK and chymostatin and the chymotrypsin substrates ATEE, BTEE (N-Benzoyl-L-Tyrosine Ethyl Ester), Succinyl-Ala-Ala-Phe-7-Amido-4-Methyl-Coumarin (Suc-Ala-Ala-Phe-AMC), and Succinyl-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-7-Amido-4-Methyl-Coumarin (Suc-Leu-Leu-Val-Tyr-AMC) inhibited the human follicular fluid-induced acrosome reaction [12].
  • None of the inhibitors was able to substantially reduce proteolysis of beta-LPH, as was the case with amastatin, APMSF, and TPCK for beta-EPH [18].

Gene context of TPCK

  • Inhibition of NFkappaB with TPCK reduced COX-2 but not COX-1 gene expression and decreased PGE2 production by LPS-stimulated Mphi [19].
  • Interestingly, the OR current induced by Tat was largely prevented by two inhibitors of the transcription factor NF-kappaB, TPCK and SN50, which suggests an involvement of NF-kappaB in the effect of the viral protein [20].
  • Whereas TPCK inhibits phosphorylation of I kappa B and, consequently, activation of NF-kappa B, it markedly enhances the activity of JNK, the MAP kinase-related kinase that phosphorylates the transactivation domain of c-Jun [21].
  • Another biological effect of tosylphenylalanylchloromethane (TPCK): it prevents p47phox phosphorylation and translocation upon neutrophil stimulation [22].
  • In contrast, the apoptosis-inducing effect of BMD188 in PC3 cells could be significantly inhibited by serine protease inhibitors TPCK and TLCK as well as by caspase inhibitors DEVD and zVAD [23].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of TPCK

  • The purified cytochrome c derivatives were digested with TPCK treated trypsin and the resulting peptides were separated by reverse phase HPLC [24].
  • METHOD: Changes and subcellular loca-lization of IkappaB-alpha were observed by fluorescence microscopy, expression and degradation of IkappaB-alpha protein with N-tosyl-L-phenylalanylchloromethyl ketone (TPCK protease inhibitor) blocking test and apoptosis of U937 cell by flow cytometry [25].


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