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Chemical Compound Review

Amastatin     (2S)-2-[[(2S)-2-[[(2S)-2- [[(2S,3R)-3-amino...

Synonyms: CHEMBL28650, CHEBI:2624, FT-0622252, AC1L97I5, C01552, ...
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Disease relevance of Amastatin


High impact information on Amastatin

  • Hydrolysis of the substrates was shown to be a two-step process involving initial cleavage by endopeptidase with secondary hydrolysis of the peptide products by brush-border membrane aminopeptidase N. Hydrolysis of both substrates was maximum at a neutral pH and was strongly inhibited by metal chelating agents, phosphoramidone, and amastatin [5].
  • These results show that dipeptide hydrolysis can be selectively suppressed by either amastatin or leuhistin and dipeptide transport by arphamenine [6].
  • Bestatin and amastatin, inhibitors of aminopeptidases (but not human kidney NEP), did not inhibit the rate of fMLP degradation but prevented the production of free phenylalanine and enhanced the accumulation of Leu-Phe [7].
  • The aminopeptidase activity was not affected by MERGETPA but was potently inhibited by amastatin and bestatin (IC50 = 0.05 microM and 3.0 microM, respectively) [8].
  • Amastatin, an endopeptidase inhibitor that increases the level of endogenous OXT, also reduced the evoked EPSC [9].

Biological context of Amastatin

  • A catalytic mechanism for blLAP is proposed based on the binding modes of amastatin and bestatin and plausible binding modes of a dipeptide substrate and its putative gem-diolate transition state which were modeled into the active site of blLAP after the binding mode of amastatin [10].
  • Amastatin, an aminopeptidase inhibitor, augmented salivation caused by native peptides, but not furoylated peptides [11].
  • In order to examine metabolism in vivo, blood pressure responses to angiotensins were obtained in anesthesized rats before and during infusion of amastatin (16 nmol/min i.v.). Amastatin specifically inhibited plasma AmM and AmA activities 81 and 10%, respectively [12].
  • A second experiment indicated that i.c.v. administered BE induced considerable water consumption, while amastatin (AM, an aminopeptidase A inhibitor) did not [13].
  • The absorption of peptide drugs can be improved by using aminoboronic acid derivatives, amastatin, and other enzyme inhibitors as absorption enhancers [14].

Anatomical context of Amastatin


Associations of Amastatin with other chemical compounds

  • In contrast, amastatin and leuhistin, in concentrations as low as 20 microM, almost completely inhibited dipeptide hydrolysis [6].
  • The aminopeptidase had an apparent Km of 23 microM, a pH optimum of 7.0 and was inhibited by 1 mM-EDTA and amastatin [IC50 = 0.3 microM], but was relatively insensitive to bestatin, actinonin and puromycin [19].
  • Captopril and amastatin (inhibitors of peptidyl dipeptidase A and aminopeptidases respectively) had no significant effect [20].
  • X-ray crystallographic determination of the structure of bovine lens leucine aminopeptidase complexed with amastatin: formulation of a catalytic mechanism featuring a gem-diolate transition state [10].
  • Both alanyl-naphthylamidase and enkephalin degradation were optimal at pH 7.0 to 7.5 and were inhibited by aminopeptidase inhibitors amastatin (IC50 = 20 nM), bestatin (4-7 microM) and puromycin (30-35 microM) [21].

Gene context of Amastatin

  • APA activity was calcium-dependent and was inhibited by amastatin [22].
  • We examined actions of arginine vasopressin (AVP) and amastatin (an inhibitor of the aminopeptidase that cleaves AVP) on synaptic currents in slices of rat parabrachial nucleus using the nystatin-perforated patch recording technique [23].
  • In contrast to the intact endothelial monolayers, in homogenates additional kininase activity was found which was not affected by either ACE and NEP inhibitors nor by amastatin and MGTA [24].
  • The PAR-2 agonist SLIGRL-NH2, administered intraperitoneally (i.p.) at 1-10 micromol/kg and 1.5-15 micromol/kg, in combination with amastatin, an aminopeptidase inhibitor, facilitated in vivo secretion of pancreatic and salivary amylase in a dose-dependent manner, respectively, in the mouse [25].
  • In contrast, amastatin was not able to prevent the expression of PAI-1 mRNA induced by Ang IV [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Amastatin


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